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Owlcat has launched a voice over contest for their upcoming RPG, Pathfinder: Kingmaker where you can send them your interpretation of a line of text for a character in the game. The contest page holds a list of characters and a line of text.

The description on the page is as follows,

“How would you like to win a Royal Edition of Pathfinder: Kingmaker? Sure, you may have already backed our project on here or pre-ordered your version, but you know what’s always better than one copy of Kingmaker? Two copies! Share it with a loved one. Share it with your cat, teach Mr. Whiskers how to play videogames and make a viral video! Share it with an enemy who hates classic CRPGs, just to rub it in! The possibilities are endless! Also, all winners will be getting a free Syrinscape subscription for a year! The award-winning Syrinscape app brings tabletop games to life with epic sounds that have been custom-created for epic games, including the official sounds of Pathfinder, Starfinder, Call of Cthulhu, Shadows of Esteren and many more, with an extensive library to accompany any fantasy or sci-fi game.
For your chance to get your hands on that sweet, sweet swag of ours, please read the following rules carefully:
1. Use one of the pre-written lines of text for your character of choice (provided at the end of this update) and record it. If you’re feeling brave, you may also improvise something.
2. No more than 2 submissions per participant, please.
3. The absolute maximum length per submission is 20 seconds.
4. You may enhance your submission by adding background music or sound effects.
5. Send your submission to [email protected]
6. We will accept submissions until July 1st. Please be sure to submit your contribution in time!
Voting process

Pathfinder: Kingmaker is an upcoming isometric role-playing game developed by Owlcat Games, based on Paizo Publishing’s Pathfinder franchise. Announced in May 2017 through a Kickstarter campaign, the game is scheduled to be released for Microsoft Windows, macOS, and Linux in 2018.

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