Horizon Zero Dawn, Guerrilla’s critically acclaimed open-world title and former PS4 exclusive had been confirmed to release on the PC for a while. Just now, the developers have announced that Horizon Zero Dawn: Complete Edition will release for PC on August 7. You can now pre-purchase the game for ₹ 1,099 on STEAM. The game will also be available via the Epic Games Store.
The developers also released a PC features trailer that you can watch below:
Judging from the new trailer, the game comes packed with a slew on PC only features such as unlocked fps, a wide range of customizable graphical options including FOV, textures, anti-aliasing, reflections, benchmarking options, and more.
Horizon Zero Dawn is a multi-award-winning action role-playing game – and this Complete Edition for PC includes the huge expansion The Frozen Wilds, featuring new lands, skills, weapons and Machines.
The PC Version comes packed with:
• Base game
• The Frozen Wilds expansion
• Carja Storm Ranger Outfit and Carja Mighty Bow
• Carja Trader Pack
• Banuk Trailblazer Outfit and Banuk Culling Bow
• Banuk Traveller Pack
• Nora Keeper Pack
• Digital art book