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So finally the IndianNoob review of E3 2014 is here. Why so late you ask, its because I have a day-time job which is becoming more of a 24×7 job (but that’s a different story). Today we look at E3, its big three and then 5 of its most awesome games (handpicked by yours truly).

E3 is that time of the year, when every gamer across the world licks his chops and applauds every single pixel that is displayed on the screen. Overall, this was an E3, which was down on the OMG factor but big on This is Awesome stuff. Now that all the hoopla over the next gen consoles are over, we finally have games that are proving why the next gen consoles are really next gen.

The 4 games that I have ear-marked for greatness can be looked at below

FarCry 4 || Witcher 3 || Sunset Overdrive || Halo 5 + Master Chief Collection

Uncharted 4: A Thief’s end deserves a honorable mention here, but can’t make it to the list because, there was too less for it to show. However it is the highlight reel of this post, and you can check out the trailer above.

You can find each and every trailer that was shown on the E3 stage in the playlist below (credits to IGN).


More than the cinematic trailer, it was the fact that most games shown actually ran in-engine was what blew my mind. Load times are almost gone, game-play fidelity is as good as cinematic. Its just a great time to a be a gamer.

Check out the individual press conferences and my views on them below.

Microsoft Press conference || Sony Press Conference || Nintendo Press Conference

Apart from the big 3, you can also check out my views on the publisher’s conferences

EA press Conference || Ubisoft Press Conference

So here you are, everything E3 that I think matters in one clean blog post. Drop in your comments, your views, and tell me which game/games you are most excited about.

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