The Indian video game industry has long been involved in making knock offs of Chhota Bheem, RA-One, and Krrishh. A lot of it has to do with the fact that a lot of people who run the business, don’t understand it. For them India, is a country of kids, or peanut brained adults who eat shovel-ware for breakfast.
Fortunately, things have been changing in the past few months/years. Young and tech-savy gamers have come together and have started producing good quality AAA level video games. One such studio is GameEon, and their game Special Ops.
Special Ops is a FPS (First Person Shooter), a free to play game available for Android (Play Store) and iPhone (iTunes). You can check the trailer above, and judge if you find something to like in the game.
The game follows Robert Cain. A soldier who has lost his team on a mission, and now has to re-build his team in order to finish the mission and uncover the secrets behind his team’s deaths.
The game currently offers 2 maps, and 4 weapons, with plans to add more later. The game currently offers only a single player experience, but multiplayer is scheduled for release in Feb 2015. Graphics wise the game looks on par with CS: Condition Zero, which is pretty nice for a mobile based game.
The game is set for a Jan 2015 release.
Though if you are excited for the game, you can go onto their site, and sign up for BETA access. You can also check out GameEon’s interview on AsidCast, where they discuss why Special Ops is such an important game to them. Further you can do your bit by supporting GameEon and follow them on twitter, spreading the word.
Sign Up For BETA || Interview With AsidCast || Follow GameEon on Twitter
Personally, I am really excited to see how Special Ops pans out. Its not everyday you see a AAA level game coming out of India. I would love to see it become a success, and vindicate GameEon’s efforts. I also hope that this inspires a new wave of techie gamers to join the Indian gaming industry and make games, that they want to play.