Pathway, developed by Robotality and published by Chucklefish, is a strategy adventure game set in the 1930s featuring turn-based combat and unique story encounters. Reminiscent of the Indian Jones films, you get to explore temples, tombs, and the desert wilderness in a grand pulp adventure!
It’ll stay available to claim for free until June 25th, so make sure to claim it before then if it seems like your cup of tea (or coffee). Pathway came out just last year in April 2019 and has received mostly positive reviews on Steam. Check out our review of Pathway here.
In addition, next week’s free games have also been revealed:
You can expect to grab the 2017 flying adventure game AER Memories of Old as well as 2019’s retro-inspired action-adventure Stranger Things 3: The Game (based on the Netflix show) from June 25th to July 2nd.
But don’t fret, we’ll remind you again when they’re available!