Are you ready to boop,wallride and try to score a goal as Lúcio? If not, u better get ready. The signs were there for quite a while now, but we finally have the New Overwatch video to properly introduce it. The Summer Games are back for 2017, bringing with it last year’s content and this year’s additions.
Lúcioball was introduced during Overwatch’s Summer Games in 2016. A 3v3 game where all players are Lúcios, Lúcioball is an exclusive brawl that players love. The goal is to boop or melee the ball into the net—and defend your goal from your enemies.
New Summer Loot Box Update
Skins from Summer Games 2016 will be available for purchase at a reduced cost compared to the new 2017 skins.
Lúcioball Update
Lúcioball will introduce Sydney as a map environment. Matches will rotate between the Sydney and Rio Stadiums.
Several changes have been made to Lúcio’s abilities in Lúcioball
The ability to “BOOP” enemies has been removed
Lúcio’s ultimate ability no longer pulls the ball toward the player, but now increases Lúcio’s speed and the speed of his “boop”
Summer Games 2017 will also introduce a second competitive mode for Lúcioball, allowing players to place and rank.
The new Sydney stadium, too, adds a new aesthetic flair to it — though not being able to boop enemy players may prove frustrating to those Lúcio mains
if new Overwatch achievements leaked on Xbox One are to be trusted.
The achievements appeared in the Overwatch list after the latest patch hit the live server. Three achievements were added with the Doomfist update—Safe Hands, which is achieved when a player scores three saves in a row in Lúcioball; Volley, achieved when a player scores a goal in Lúcioball with a shot taken from at least three meters in the air; and Lúcio Hat Trick, where a player must score a goal, a save, and an assist in a game of Lúcioball. And these definitely aren’t the old achievements from last year, either: Not one player has unlocked the achievements yet.
it all gets turned on next week. From August 8 to August 29, the Overwatch queues are going to be packed as everybody lines up for a bit of Lucioball.
Skins from Summer Games 2016 will be available for purchase at a reduced cost compared to the new 2017 skins.
New 2017 Summer Games Cosmetic Items will cost the following:
Legendary Skins will cost 3,000 credits
Epic Skins will cost 750 credits
Rare tier will cost 225 credits
Common tier will cost 75 credits
Previous Summer Games cosmetics will be available at a reduced cost:
Legendary Skins will cost 1,000 credits
Epic Skins will cost 250 credits
Rare tier will cost 75 credits
Common tier will cost 25 credits