It Looks like COD:Infinite Warfare is getting alot of attention these past few years, As Players of Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare will experience a community celebration event called “Willard Wyler’s Halloween Scream,” which allows players to acquire all-new Halloween-themed loot, participate in XP-boosting events, play through a new zombies mode and receive exclusive free items only available during the event.
Willard Wyler’s Halloween Scream features the following content and giveaways from 9th October to 1st November, unless otherwise noted:
- Free Halloween-themed Supply Drop at the beginning of each week
- Free Halloween-themed cosmetic item every Friday, along with one final gift on 30th October
- Halloween-themed gear and loot, including brand-new zombie-themed Rig skins, available to earn
- “Boss Battle” mode, which starts on 13th October, allows players to take on their favourite final bosses from each of the Infinite Warfare zombies modes. It begins with the first chapter, Zombies in Spaceland, and continues with the following chapters becoming available, two per week, ending with the ultimate battle in The Beast from Beyond (players must own DLC packs to access DLC chapters)
- Return of Gesture Warfare multiplayer mode to celebrate Halloween, which runs now through 12th October and allows fans to use gestures to humiliate and annihilate their opponents
- Carnage, a fan-favourite multiplayer map from the Retribution DLC pack, free to play and with double XP for all players from 12th October to 1st November
To receive the free items during Halloween Scream, players need to log into multiplayer between Monday and Friday evening while online and visit the Quartermaster. Each week, the Supply Drop will be available between Monday evening and Friday evening and the cosmetic items will be available between Friday evening and Monday evening.