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In the previous article, we had discussed about which Motherboard and processor we should buy so that we can build a budget PC which falls in our budget. Today we are here to talk about RAM (Random Access Memory).


RAMs affect 1-2% of the gaming performance at maximum. But how much do you need? Many people believe that having more RAM, means more gaming performance, but that’s not true.  More RAM means better multi-tasking. When it comes to gaming, its the frequency that matters. RAMs are available in generally 1333 MHz, 1600MHz 2133MHz, 2400 MHz and so on. But if you speak of gaming:

Budget (Low end Build)– 1333MHz

Recommended (Middle Tier Build)– 1600MHz

Overkill (Highest Build)-2133 MHz

It has to be noted that we’ve stated the frequency of RAM and given it emphasis because if you get a 4GB stick running at 1333MHz and another one at 1600MHz or 2133MHz, then the one with higher frequency will run at the same frequency as the lower one.

But this not the only thing you’ve to look at, the other things being:

  1. Capacity
  2. Type
  3. Cooling Systems
  4. Power Consumption

1. Capacity:

The capacity means how much memory is available on the RAM stick. In today’s world, games require a minimum of 4GB RAM. But now the games have started to reach upto 6GB for minimum requirements. Though all games are able to run fine enough on 4GB it’ll not be long before 4GB will become insufficient and people will have to switch to 8GB or 16GB.

2. Type:

Currently in India, there are 3 types of RAMs- DDR2, DDR3, DDR4, the most common being DDR3. The production of DDR2 has stopped and DDR4 has recently arrived. We would still recommend going for DDR3 RAMs on any kind of budget.

3. Cooling Systems:

These systems are for those with high budgets. High end RAM’s come with cooling systems, which can or cannot be removable and also come in either liquid or air cooled versions, depending on the company. Many companies offer cooling solutions separately for RAMs. But only PC’s with i7 Processors and higher end GPU’s need cooling for RAM’s because in those cases the whole PCs’ average temperature is high.

4. Power Consumption:

The power consumption of an average RAM lies between 1.5-1.7V, which is not so big a quantity. But this volatge should be compatible with the processor, otherwise the processor will regulate the voltage and make the RAM run at lower voltage and hence lower frequency which will result in lower performance.


So now let’s talk about the different budget builds.

Lower End Builds

For those on a tight budget, 4GB will be good for another year or but after that you’ll have to upgrade. If you are making a new PC then get a RAM with a frequency of 1600MHz. In the future if you upgrade to a better RAM you can simply add a 1600MHz 4GB or 8GB stick, to effectively increase the performance.

Mid Tier Builds

As above if you are building a new PC you can either get (2X4GB), a total of 8GB RAM at 1600 MHz or a single 8GB 1600 RAM stick so that in the future you can add another 8GB stick with the same frequency. Just check whether your RAM is compatible with motherboard.

High Tier Builds

In this case you could just buy (2X8GB) sticks running at 2133MHz, which will be enough for the 4-5 years. Dont go for a DDR4 type RAM because it give only2-3% improvement in gaming as of now and is a bit more costlier than one would expect, given the performance improvement.

The next here at IndianNoob we will cover the different kinds of storage options that will suit your PC build. Till then check out our in-depth coverage of the Motherboard and the Processors that you will need if you are building your own gaming PC. Let us know in the comments, if you have any questions.

How to Build a Gaming PC Part 1:: Motherboards & Processors

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