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Many gamers today are shifting to PC games from consoles and are willing to explore new games and genres which is a pretty good thing. No one doubts that consoles have given us some of the best games ever, but playing these games right now is like peeling potatoes of different sizes. Everyone wants something new and creative. So where do we get this? Steam is the first thing that comes to mind. But then are we coming on steam with a particular game in mind or are we just searching randomly for something that’s an eye candy. The PC gaming library is so big that buying and playing every game’s campaign will take almost a lifetime. *Sigh*. Don’t forget the multiplayer.


So guidance is required when someone starts PC gaming after console gaming. The first thing that comes to mind when playing PC games is ‘1080 p Ultra Graphics Gaming at 60 fps’, which is not the right mentality. Many rigs can’t run games at this quality and this is what higher end PC gamers brag about. But think it this way ‘Is 60 fps necessity or luxury?’ 60 fps is only a type of benchmark. If you can get better quality at 35-50 fps, that’s more than good enough. I like playing at that frame rate. I’m not saying that getting 60 fps is not a good thing but sometimes you may like to get better quality graphics with a compromise in fps. It’s all personal opinion.


The next most important thing is that you have to remain up to date about the latest games and computer hardware. Limiting your game choices to only AAA games may not be a good idea on PC. Spreading out your reaches can be risky, but many a times they pay off. You will get thousands of varieties and you can choose among countless titles.

Now that you know that there are games available in PC, the main question is ‘Where do I get the games?’. The first name is “Steam” but just think that ‘Is Steam the only place i can get games?’ You’ll soon realise that it’s pretty much false. There are many other stores online and offline that sell games at a significantly lower rate. You can buy them at cheap prices and even get special discounts on games. So again your gaming variety has increased. You could buy 2 games instead of one and even save some bucks for the next game.


Buying the games isn’t much of a challenge. The main challenge is running the game on your PC. Coming from consoles where it’s technically plug n play, it might be tedious building a custom PC or it would be costly to directly buy a branded gaming PC. And to add to your troubles there are the additional softwares. So you must be patient and work your way out of the mess. The only solution is searching and researching the parts and softwares that’d be required to play the game. If you get the right rig you’ll be able to play any game at highest quality for at least 3 years. Though the initial cost will be higher, my personal opinion is that it’s worth it.


I guess that with the above information you could start gaming on PCs. Stay tuned on gameffine.in for further discussions on PC gaming.



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