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To be honest, that’s a little far fetched. We are definitely in the realm of finite numbers right now. Having said that though, we definitely did expand into various avenues this year, and we would love to tell you all about it.

Let the self-boasting begin.


2018 is now officially the best year when it comes to views, and the fact that this record has been broken 3 times year on year, is a testament to the growth of IndianNoob.

The total number of views in 2018 doubled the number of views that we had in 2017. And remember 2017 had more views than all our past views combined, which means that 2018 saw us reaching twice the number of people we had reached in the past 4 years. It’s a gigantic stat. Something we are very proud of.

Something else we are also extremely proud of is the number of views that are coming in from India, which have seen its share of views increase from a measly 2% to a whopping 20%. Hopefully, that number keeps going up in 2019.


We are happy to report that this year, we completed a total of 75 reviews.

That in itself is not a big deal. But considering that we got games such as Spiderman, Hitman 2, Red Dead Redemption 2, Destiny 2 Forsaken, Assassins’s Creed Odyssey and Fallout 76 as day 1 review copies, and we feel pretty darn proud of ourselves.

AAA was not the only games we reviewed this year and smaller games such as Project Warlock, Skyhill, and Strange Brigade also found a day 1 home on our website. And we loved every moment playing and reviewing them.


After a small period of influx, the team at IN saw the majority part of the year in the hands of a core team.

Arko, Armu and Jay formed the backbone of the team and made sure that IndianNoob was making waves on Reddit, N4G, RPG Watch, Facebook and Twitter. This year we became the home of Indian sourced quality written content, bar none. Don’t believe us, check out some of our best posts from the year

Along the way, we had some solid guest posts, and rest assured we have our eyes on some of those guest writers. Most recently, however, we acquired Meg, which has made us video review capable since the time the website launched.


With all that stability, all those friends, and all that recognition came experiments. We started to make close-captioned video reviews. We started doing livestreams on Facebook. We have just tried to rekindle our Podcast series, and we have a renewed focus on Hardware News and Reviews.

Its all because we have a capable, willing and committed roster. So Jay, Armu, Arko and Meg, if you are reading this. Thank You.

And Finally….

A Word From Our Sponsors

All of the above Maths Magic would not have been possible without the people who believed in us. That list of usual suspects includes Allwyn, Sadiq, Manas Joy, Ashwin (from BenQ), Vaibhav (from HyperX), Preet (from Aorus), The CII, That Square Enix Lady who sent out all those PRs, and all those devs who believed enough in us to send us their games, and let us rip it apart.

Every year means new friends too. And so we have Pallav, Richie, Ashish, Sailesh, Rajdeep and others who have over time become an integral part of the IndianNoob community.

Special mention should be made of Biren Sharma. A teenage YouTuber from Patna, we think he has that regional connect with the audience of his age that a lot of content creators are missing. We have already collaborated with him on a few projects, and we hope to keep doing the same in the future.

This brings us to the end of this post, and fittingly to the end of this year. 2018 changed a lot about IndianNoob. But we are still that motley crew of gamers who like to play games more than they like to make money. Would you like to join us in 2019?

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