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More Sony news as the Playstation meet draws ever closer. On the Playstation blog today, Sony announced that Playstation Virtual Reality headsets (or PS VR for short) will be launching along with a demo disc, containing as much as 8 demo games.

For those who don’t understand the demo disc concept, its basically a disc which has various game demos installed on it. It was a regular feature during the 90s and early 2000s, however it has given way to digital demo downloads in recent times, just like any other piece of hardware.

The Demo Disc with PS VR will have the following demos:

  2. PlayStation VR Worlds
  3. RIGS Mechanized Combat League
  4. Tumble VR
  5. Battlezone
  6. EVE: Valkyrie
  7. Wayward Sky 
  8. Headmaster

I am kind of semi-disappointed that Arkham VR is not on the list, but I figure that game is gonna be a console seller in its own right. But EVE is a great VR game, and I am sure it will help people make up their minds on what PS VR game they want to try next. Also I imagine with the demo disc it will be easier to share the PS VR among friends, and sell them on the idea of buying a rig for themselves.

It must be noted that there is currently no release date for the PS VR when it comes to the Indian market. Consequently there is no price announced for it either.

What do you think of the return of the demo-disc. What do you make of the PS VR? What about Virtual Reality in general. Let us know all this and more in the comments.

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