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Finally, Rockstar Games has listen up to their fans’ much requested title to be backwards compatible: Red Dead Redemption! (Uhh-huh, Uh-huh….Yes! It is)

The game is now live to buy on Xbox Marketplace at as much low as Rs. 375 ($10.79 for US, but right now at a discounted price of $7.49). While, Myths and Mavericks Bonus,  Legends and Killers Pack and Liars and Cheats Pack DLCs are free to download, War Horse, Golden Guns Weapon Pack and Deadly Assassin Outfit will cost you a little to Rs. 46 each ($1 USD) Whereas, Undead Nightmare Collection and Undead Nightmare Pack are priced at Rs. 950 ($19.99 for US) and Rs. 450 ($9.99 for US).

And ironically, after the game’s backwards compatibility announcement, it has raised off a whooping 6000% more sales number on Amazon.

Moreover, Digital Foundry has analyzed the game on Xbox One, and found that the visuals are unaltered  and runs smooth with a constant framerate of 30FPS (a surprising number compared to Xbox 360’s 20FPS).

Red Dead Redemption is an western action-adventure title released way back in 2010 for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 consoles….and now on Xbox One via backwards compatibility.


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