Dark Light

The year 2015 has been good to IndianNoob. We expanded our horizons, increased our fan-base and even ended up recruiting 2 new writers for the website. But that’s nothing compared to the great games that we have played this year. Right from indie darlings such as Axiom Verge and Hand Of Fate to big wigs like Assassin’s Creed Syndicate and Far Cry 4; we have had a blast.


So when the 3 of us sat down to pick our Game Of The Year (our very own GOTY 2015), it was no surprise that we couldn’t settle on a single game. Without reaching an anonymous decision, we decided to let you know why we think our particular games are GOTY 2015 materials. Maybe you can help us sort out our Dilemma. If not, I am sure it’s still a worth while read.

Arkham Knight

Ayush (Because its one of the best Batman Stories)

Witcher 3

-Pratyush (Because Geralt is the baddest Bad-Ass there is)

Fallout 4

-Saurabh (Because you ‘Fall’ in love with ‘Fallout 4’)

Our own personal GOTY 2015 aside, we also decided to create a small but impressive list, of some the must play games of this year. Like I said, 2015 was full of awesome games, and to list all of them would be futile. Instead below is a list 0f the 7 best of IndianNoob’s personal picks, which along with the top 3 above should be enough to keep you entertained and appreciate the awesomeness of 2015. Each of these games is a must play, and if you have missed out on any of them, there is still time to snag them while the Christmas sales last on various platforms.

  1. Bloodborne (PS4)
    Many have tagged it similar to the Souls series and thus have refrained from playing it. But I myself, being a person not being able to play Dark Souls 2 without the feeling of head butting the screen, can say that the game is much different and actually quite fun. The game’s Gothic setting and impressive & variable gameplay mechanics make it a must play of year. Don’t worry you won’t die too frequently.
    Pratyush Raj
  2. Dying Light (Windows, Linux, PS4, Xbox One)
    Dying light is a refreshing game with a mix of zombie survival and open world parkour. The game has  a fairly good skill tree and also has great visuals.  A decent storyline, refreshing concept and the company, Techland’s continuous support to it’s community with new gameplay elements and various story addons make this game one which you should definitely play.
    -Pratyush Raj
  3. Metal Gear Solid V : The Phantom Pain (Windows, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One)
    This game is specially for those who like action and adventure genre and it will arguably the best installment in the Metal Gear series so far. It is packed with great graphics, compelling gameplay, and incredible cinematic. It has good system that adapt the way you play it. By playing MGSV you can feel its tension, drama, and unpredictable gameplay.
    -Saurabh Charde
  4. Ori And The Blind Forest (Windows, Xbox One)
    Ori and The Blind Forest hooks you up almost immediately and makes you go through a range of emotions within a few minutes. It is surprising how a game without dialogues can go far in telling you a story so touching and somewhat deep that it becomes difficult to leave the game mid-way. With a mix of genres, an atmospheric world and arguably one of the best soundtracks of the year, this game is one that should definitely be in your must play list.
    -Pratyush Raj
  5. Star Wars Battlefront (Windows, PS4, Xbox One)
    If you are a big fan of Star Wars then this game is definitely for you. It gives you awesome star wars look and feel as almost everything is licensed for the game from props to costume to characters, it is like an online accessible and playable merchandise. Star Wars: Battlefront is spectacular, cinematic, having good game modes, easy and fun to play with its impressive graphics technology.
    -Saurabh Charde
  6. Ark (Windows)
    ARK is a game that surprised us all this year. .It is a survival game with Dinosaurs. According to SteamSpy, it is one of the most sold games on Steam this year. That’s because it is something new. You get to tame, ride and kill dinos. Now if that doesn’t poke your interest I can’t seem to imagine what does. You get to do a lot of crafting as well which adds to the fun. The fact that there is continuous support by the developers through updates, results in the fanbase it has gained so far. SO if you haven’t picked up this game till now, I highly recommend that you do.
    -Pratyush Raj
  7. WWE 2K16 (PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox Ones)
    For everyone who has grown up watching wrestling during the 90s, this game is must have. Atleast the WWE showcase is a must play. If not for its re-creation of iconic matches, then for its excellent collection of promos that are unlocked as you play along. WWE 2K16 is also an improvement in almost everything that WWE2K15 did including My Career, WWE Creation Suites and Multiplayer. Read the review for details.

 So what did we think of our list, did you agree with us? Did your GOTY 2015 made the list? If it didn’t let us know in the comments.

    1. Life is Strange is surely a strong contender. But 2 things stopped it from making the list:
      1. Which of the games above do we replace?
      2. None of us have played it. (I know criminal)

      1. i havent played wwe 2k 16 but i’m not really a fan of that genre. anyway you must play life is strange its the best narrative games (i repeat not ‘one of the’ it is ‘the best’)
        i do agree with remaining other games in the list ^_^

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