Adventurers can face off against a new world and guild raid boss coming to Black Desert Online SEA today.
World Boss Mirumok Destroyer Offin is a complex, two-part creature that spawns in the Old Mirumok Ruins of the Kamasylvian forest. The outer massive, wooden structure is called Offin, and inside sits Offin Tett, the human-like creature that controls Offin’s movements.
To take down this boss, Adventurers must first attack and defeat Offin by its roots or use Matchlocks to destroy the shield of its main cockpit. This will draw out Offin Tett and its two indestructible clones. During raids, Offin Tett will go back inside Offin to hide, and Adventures must keep attacking Offin to draw out and attack Offin Tett.
Successful raids may drop the Sealed Light Weapon Box containing the exclusive Offin Tett’s Radiant Weapons, a new type of Boss main-hand weapons that are similar in strength to Kzarka weapons, as well as the Valtarra Eclipsed Belt, Black Magic Crystals and more.
Guild Raid Boss Mirumok Watcher Offin is identical to World Boss Mirumok Destroyer Offin, but is unlike other guild raid bosses that can be summoned via scrolls. Mirumok Watcher Offin must be awakened via an item called the Ancient Contract: Mirumok Watcher that guild leaders can obtain upon successful completion of the Watcher of Mirumok Ruins quest. Guilds will have only 30 minutes to take down this boss.
The new boss updates are not all that awaits Adventurers. Up until November 13, new Adventurers and those that have been playing with guest passes will have a chance to earn permanent access to Black Desert Online SEA. All new and guest Adventurers that log in for at least 7 days and reach level 56 by November 13 will get permanent access to the game.