Saransh Jain, a pro-FIFA player from India, has won a major FIFA tournament held in the Maldives. The inaugural King Of FIFA tournament, held in the Maldives this year was hosted by Bigalows, sponsored by Coca Cola and offered 5,000 MVR (₹22,935) in prize money. The tournament saw 128 players compete for the trophy, with qualifiers in India hosted by Lets Game Now.
Saransh who is no stranger to international events felt comfortable in spite of the travel involved. In our email conversation, Saransh expressed his jubilations and his gratitude.
It was a huge event and since it wasn’t my first international event I felt comfortable as I progressed through. Winning this was an incredible feeling and something which I won’t ever be able to forget, it feels good to have an international trophy added to my collection now and hopefully it’s the first of many more to come. I’d also like to thank my family my friends and everyone else who has constantly supported me throughout, specially to my brother who came to the tournament with me, coached me and helped me win it!
But it was not all smooth sailing for Saransh, as he had the unenvious task of playing with his non-preferred team. Saransh normally picks the French National Team for his matches, but since this tournament was Clubs only, he had to go with Plan B. Fortunately, Plan B was Juventus, and it was good enough to win him the prize.
We are extremely excited for Saransh, as he is one of the pro gamers that IN has followed since his start. We would like to congratulate Saransh Jain on the success and wish him all the best for the future. We also hope his success opens the floodgate for other aspiring pro FIFA players in the country.
To find out more about Saransh, check out our interview with the guy.
If you are looking to get in touch with Saransh, you can use the links below:
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