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In our endevour exploring the Indian video game culture, sometimes we uncover some really great stories. The questions to these stories invariably remains the same: “how did it all start?”, “where will you go from there”. But its the answers that differ every time. Unfolding like a video game with multiple endings.

This particular story is from across the border. A streamer and YouTuber better known as Mythica, Ayesha has had adventures in different parts of the subcontinent worth sharing . She decided to share some of them with us.


Give us a brief intro about yourself and how you got involved in this (still) unorthodox hobby?

I’m 20 years old right now, live in Lahore, Pakistan, Pathan and all. My parents were gamers themselves so I also got into it. I have been playing video games since I was 7. Started off with IGI, CS Condition Zero and NFS SE ll then I found out about online gaming in 2014 and started playing DOTA 2 but I was more of an FPS player so I shifted to CS:GO.

What were some of your favorite games growing up? At what moment were you inspired to carve your own niche in this field?

My favorite games were condition zero, rainbow six vegas 2, Assassin’s creed and then Skyrim. All in a timely order.

With gaming still being seen as fairly niche/elitist hobby in India, did you face any obstacles that you faced whilst trying to carve out a career path in it?

The biggest obstacle was being treated unfairly for being a female. Especially in a country where girls don’t have these sort of hobbies.

As a female, do you feel somewhat of an extra pressure to be competitive/ thriving in a still “MALE-DOMINATED” profession?

Yes, I do but I try my best to not let that get to me.

Is there any negative experience you’ve had in this field that you’d like to share? Any negative/backward trends that you’d like to be eliminated as soon as possible?

There is a lot of politics in the current eSports scene but I suppose that stuff happens everywhere. Also, again the part where me being a female gets me a lot of criticism.

How much do you actually PLAY games as part of your daily schedule (for non-work related stuff)? Do you wish you had the time to play more?

Pretty much all day because my time pass is gaming, I have to record my gameplay for walkthroughs, I have to stream and I have to cast. The only part of the day where I don’t PLAY is when I have to do work related to the team I manage or cast a match.

Video Games are perhaps not the most popular hobby amongst females (in this country, at least). Say a few kind words of encouragement that would help other women appreciate it more.

I think the girls out there that think about playing video games but don’t should give it a try because video games teach you a lot and you get to meet so many interesting people. Heck, If a girl in India, Pakistan or UAE would want to play and faces negative people call me up I’d wreck those people for you. Haha.

Lastly, where do you see gaming in India evolve 10 years down the line? As an emerging medium, what are your hopes in terms of seeing it be part of Indian pop culture?

I think India [subcontinent] would go big with gaming honestly. I hope for the best. I’m sure they would easily reach tier 1 in the internationals in this much time.

Lastly, leave us a few kind words/ personal philosophy/words of wisdom that you ascribe to, and that our readers can be enlightened by.

There is one thing when it comes to finding it hard to do what you want in the field. Like me being a female from a country like Pakistan trying to make a place for myself in the gaming and its professional community its that you can’t move things by not moving. So if you want something to change you have to make the moves for it.

If you haven’t already heard of Mythica, or Ayesha Samman, you can find more about her using the links below. Also if there is anything you would like to say, we would love to know more in the comments.

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