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Hearthstone’s Wild Sets Will Be Returning For Purchase Soon

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In a blog post, Blizzard has just won over the community by taking a decision that has been advocated by the fans of Hearthstone since the time the division of cards into “Wild” and “Standard” were announced. Up till now, no card that has been rotated into Wild can be purchased for money or gold (with the slight exception that adventures with one or more than one wing purchased can be purchased only with gold after afterwards). Apparently those Wild sets are returning for purchase once more.

The Wild mode of Hearthstone does call out to quite some players, mainly due to the fact that having access to the most diverse card pool till date, a variety of different decks can be played. You can pull off truly disgusting combos, while basking in the glory of the cards like Dr. Boom, Kel’Thuzad, Loatheb, Brann Bronzebeard, Elise Starseeker, Chromaggus,  and the like.

Excited? You would be more excited to know that the Wild packs and all adventures will be available for purchase on the store in the coming weeks. It has not been clear as of yet, whether the adventures and card packs will be purchasable for gold, because the store does not have an option for purchase with gold. Also, it’s not known whether it’s a limited time promotion or a permanent change (it is more likely to be a permanent change because there is no mention of the purchase of the wild packs and adventures as a “time-limited offer”). Whatever be the case, it’s an excellent opportunity for veteran Hearthstone players to actually complete their card collection, or for newer players to experience the card sets and adventures of the past, which they have missed out on.

I’m excited for playing through the wings of the adventure Curse of Naxxramas. What about you guys?

For reading the actual announcement, head here :


  1. When they talk about the “ store” do they mean the main store of the in game Hearthstone store? The later has always had options for purchasing packs and adventures with gold.

    1. Bruce, they mean the official store, not the in-game store. However, should you decide to purchase in gold instead, you can buy one wing of each adventure from the store, using real money, then unlock the remaining wings using gold.

    2. Bruce, they mean the official store, not the in-game store. However, should you decide to purchase in gold instead, you can buy one wing of each adventure from the store, using real money, then unlock the remaining wings using gold.

      1. Except on every pack in the store states “You can also purchase card packs in-game using gold.”

        So the store itself implies that you can purchase wild packs and adventures for gold without spending actual cash.

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