Spiders, a French studio responsible for games like Mars: War Logs, Bound By Flame and The Technomancer is busy in the works for their upcoming rpg titled GreedFall. Jehanne Rousseau, the creative director of Spiders is sure full of hopes for this title and was spotted revealing some tidbits about GreedFall in an IGN interview.
In the interview, Rosseau talks about The Technomancer‘s flawed combat system, which the developer is looking to rectify in its next title, with the director going in-depth about the streamlining and changes the studio has been working on:
“For GreedFall we decided to create a story mode, where combat will be easier, and we removed the percentage system for a gauge system instead. Critical actions can now be used as soon as the gauge is filled up, and can be applied to any type of combat action. It can be used to transform a simple healing spell into a powerful group spell for example, or of course to give the deathblow to an enemy. These changes in the combat make it more tactical, and we hope it will improve our players’s experience.
We also decided to greatly improve the size of the game areas to give more importance to the exploration. As a teleportation system was painfully missing in Technomancer, we have added some fire camps that need to be unlocked in the various environments of the game.”
Concluding, Rousseau stated that she’s afraid that she can’t give players a precise answer about where GreedFall will succeed compared to Technomancer. It looks like they are really trying to improve everything, to have a more polished experience, and to offer, once again, a journey into a completely new and original setting.
GreedFall is also reported to have twice the budget The Technomancer had. All in all in looks like GreedFall will be the game that Spiders have envisioned for a long time. Each new game so far had been a step towards learning to craft their passion project they way they wanted. Spiders have a niche cult following due to their status as a B-grade video game developer. Despite the shortcomings of their early games, there were always something to be enjoyed. Let’s hope that GreedFall will deliver on what it promises on.