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Game Workers Unite Calls Telltale’s Plan to Finish The Walking Dead Without Paying Their Employees “Disgusting”

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We reported earlier that Telltale was looking into multiple potential partnerships to finish the remaining 3 episodes of the Final Season of The Walking Dead. We also mentioned how none of the Telltale employees got their severance pay when the company closed their doors.

Pro-videogame developer union group Game Workers Unite,  an organisation dedicated to safeguarding video game developers’ rights as workers, have slammed the move, calling it “disgusting” and saying that if Telltale has the money to finish The Walking Dead, they have the money to pay their workers’ severance pay.

Game Workers Unite has also mentioned that The Walking Dead’s finale can’t possibly be the game that it was supposed to be “without the craft and care of the workers who were fired.” Further, they’ve also said that, if Telltale can afford any sort of partnership and continue the production of The Walking Dead, they might also be misrepresenting their real financial outlook, and perhaps even violating the Californian rule of law, something we wholeheartedly agree with.

The Noobs are fans of Telltale’s works and would love nothing more than see Clementine’s story come to a satisfactory end. But at the same time, it’s the 200+ developers who spent day and night relentlessly to make Telltale an iconic studio. They deserve to be paid for their fantastic work. The game can wait.

Credit: Gamewatcher

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