NiKo and Co. had a solid start to the Starladder’s Berlin Major, by taking down a sharp-looking Mouzesports line-up even when odds were against them. Despite that, they failed to impress in the following two matches against the French powerhouse Vitality. To add to their miseries, NiKo’s cousin got the better of him with a significantly inexperienced squad of motivated individuals in the following game. Their last and final game took place yesterday against the Dark Horse of Australia, Renegades. The odds heavily favored FaZe after losing out on two straight matches in the New Legends Stage.
The match began on Mirage with FaZe on the CT Side. They had a materially rough start by securing a recoverable 6 rounds. The match saw some superb CS from olofmeister, making it go to double OT. Renegades were just a class apart, involving an ace from Liazz to take out the entire FaZe roster in B Apartments just jiggling in and out of the smoke. Finally, Renegades closed out with a victory in double overtime.

Following map was a do or die match for FaZe just like this series was. Both teams locked horns in Nuke, but it would be a grave injustice to call it a match as it was all FaZe Clan throughout the match, Renegades securing a mere 3 points as FaZe evened the series out with a decisive victory. Neo and NiKo showed off their extraordinary aim, ripping the heads of the Aussies throughout the entire map, with olofmeister doing most of the heavy lifting. Guardian looked superb at moments when it needed him to step up, but it seemed like an overall underwhelming game from the Norwegian beast RaiN. FaZe took Nuke with a 16-3 victory, taking us to the third and final map of this best of 3, Vertigo.
Finally, we got to see Vertigo. FaZe started out with high hopes but needed it now more than ever. FaZe had a superb start to the map with olofmeister delivering consistently and rest of the players looking just as good as they concluded the CT side. It looked like FaZe are surely the ones to go further in the series but their T side collapsed miserably as Renedages tore them apart. A few successful rounds weren’t enough to mount a comeback, making Renegades take the series home.
About the Author
Sarjyo Mukherjee has been in the gaming community for a long time, (and we mean long!). He has been keeping in touch with the Counter Strike and FIFA eSports community for over 7 years now PUBG eSports as of late. No esports news gets away from his eagle-eyed vision.