Xenonauts 2, the sequel to 2014’s acclaimed planetary defense simulator has been fully funded on Kickstarter. The game surpassed its goal of US$ 65,814 with within 24 hours of the crowdfunding campaign going live. Xenonauts 2 is now sitting with $ 83,488 amassed from 2,118 backers with 29 days remaining for the campaign.
Xenonauts 2 is a “strategic planetary defense simulator” that puts you in charge of a clandestine military force attempting to protect the planet from extraterrestrial invasion. It is the sequel to the acclaimed Xenonauts, successfully Kickstarted way back in 2012. For the first week of this Kickstarter, Goldhawk Interactive will be running a vote to set the order of the stretch goals, with the most popular features becoming the first stretch goals.
There is also an alpha combat demo to try out.
The game is in development on Windows PC and is expected to launch on Steam & GOG in late 2018 with a possible Mac and Linux release at launch.