PSVR 2 India release is making rounds across the social media platform. Spotted by gaming enthusiasts, the official creative has indicated the pricing of the PSVR 2 at INR 57,999. This obviously has made many gamers upset as the VR headset is priced higher for the region and costs more than third party marketplaces selling imported versions of the headset package.
While this announcement is NOT official yet, we hope this arrives with an introductory discount for the enthusiasts.
While the headset is definitely a leap in technology, the games lineup are not yet encouraging enough for a big spend at this time. However, if you’ve already made up your mind, we’ve heard that Gran Turismo 7 and Resident Evil 4 VR are some great picks along with the mind-blowing Horizon Call of the Mountain.
Many hardcore fans are sceptical about making this purchase until it’s available in retail stores after the heartbreaking incident with Spider-Man 2 Collector Edition. According to many fans, their orders have begun cancelling as the CE never arrived in India, and may not so in the future either. The Spider-Man 2 faceplates were also never released for the fans in India. This creates worry among many gamers in India as Sony continuously give the Indian fans the least priority in terms of PlayStation products.