Gaming Consoles date back to the 1970’s, but the quality and popularity of consoles started increasing only in the late 1990’s with the introduction of SONY Play Station. The 21st century saw the evolution of games and hence the evolution of consoles. The PS2 became the second highest bought console worldwide. Then Microsoft released its Xbox to compete with PS2. In 2007, PS3 was released and Microsoft was not far behind with Xbox 360. Now we are in 2015 and it has just been a year since the current gen consoles- PS4 and Xbox One , have been released and of course the PC is there too. Let’s have a look at the line up of their exclusive games which are going to come in the forseeable future.
Whatever happens we know that Sony has provided and delivered quite a few games in the past even if it had some third party exclusives. No one can forget the likes of Uncharted, God of War and The Last of Us which are among the best games till date. So will the games on PS4 live up to their predecessors. We will only be able to decide when the games release, because we cant depend on previews of games. Some of the anticipated games are:
Uncharted 4
The name on almost every PS4 owner and its not surprising. The in-game footage has revealed some of the vivid enviornment and high class detail. And the Unchartered series is known for great storytelling, gameplay and adrenaline bursts throughout the game. The release date for the game was recently announce by Naughty Dog as March 16 2016; along with special editions and pre-order bonuses. Let’s see what it has to offer this time.
Horizon: Zero Dawn
One of the best looking games at E3 this year, I personally think that defeating Mecha-dinosaurs with a bow and arrow would be a pretty awesome feeling. It also has stunning visuals and I’m waiting to see if this game is something different from what we have been playing in recent times.
Some of you might not have heard of this game. This game is still in production and not much is known, but the developer of the game is certainly one of those you know and quite a popular one- Ninja Theory which has made hits like Devil May Cry and Enslaved: Odyssey to the West. Ninja Theory is claiming ninja like movement and gameplay with a deeper character and more brutal combat. I very much hope that Ninja Theory lives up to its word and gives us a blockbuster.
Xbox One
Microsoft has it’s own charm, the most attractive of which is its logo- The Fluorescent X symbol. Jokes apart, we have got some very good games from Microsoft and hope that this generation does not let us down and gives us memorable titles. Its an impressive list considering Gears Of War and Halo 5 have to sit out.
My first impression of the game “How to train your dargon- 3”, simply put “WOW”. I guess this is the first game in which we can play alongside our pets which are actually dragons which will feel pretty awesome and its multiplayer mode is going to be even better with 4 player cooperative mode. Let’s see what this game is ‘dragonising’.
Crackdown 3
Mix GTA’s open world, Dishonoured’s visuals and Borderlands’ psycho-madness- ‘TADAAAA’ Crackdown. The cartoonish aesthetic of this game does not stop it from being one of the most detailed games ever. The highly destructible surroundings and the physically interactive enviornments make it one of the most anticipated games of 2016 and may as well be a game changer for Xbox One.
Quantum Break
Manipulating time has never seemed this fun. Singularity was a game based on the same powers but didn’t deliver. Quantum Break is visually breathtaking and looks like the game has a more darker side than usual games. Let’s say if I put Max Payne and his enemies (With a wee bit more of technological edge) in the Singularity world without the grumpy monsters, that sums up this game’s mechanics.
PC………PC…….PC. Well, in the past decade, we saw the ‘Fall of PC gaming’. Looks like it is returning with a bang and this time with more exclusives that are in the Third Person and FPS genre. PC has given us many memorable games and I personally hope that PC games become more and more mainstream.
Star Citizen
Here’s a game that can be a real inspiration to all AAA developers. A first person space sim and a third person combat, is like a dream game where you are not confined to specific boundaries. But be ready to see your latest PC get outdated because the minimum requirements are so maniacally high. This game is releasing in 2015 and may very well be the next Counter Strike, ahem ahem, in Space.
Do not go by it’s looks. Blizzard’s class based shooter is nothing less than AWWWWWESOME. With cartoonish visuals and a roster of characters with distinctly different gameplay, this game is looking to take MMORPG shooters with a storm.
Kingdom Come: Deliverance
This game is looking to redefine the first person combat genre. The graphics are stunning and gameplay seems impactful and realistic. The game is set in medieval times and is made on CryEngine 3, hence the great visuals.
What do You think?
What do you think is the next big game. Which game do you think is gonna be breaking all the right records? Which game do you think is missing from this illustrious list. Lets us know all this and more in the comments.