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This month is a little special for the PlayStaion Plus subscribers. The lineup of games in past few months especially for the PS4 had been pretty weak. Not this month though. This month PS4 comes with a real surprise.


This month, all PS Plus owners will be able to get their hands on Driveclub. Yup that’s right, Driveclub; Sony’s answer to Forza Motorsports will be available for free to all PS4 owners this month. HOW COOL IS THAT!!! So Cool that I had to all CAPS that statement. I am not a big racer fan, but I know that Driveclub is definitely worth the amazing price of FREE.

Apart from freaking Driveclub. PS4 owners will also be able to download, RPG, side scroller Dust: An Elysian Tale. The game follows the Super Metroid formula and allows the titular Dust to level up in its quest for identity.

But wait that’s not all. Along with Driveclub and Dust, you also get Splunky. Splunky is a throwback platformer, and as it says in the video above, almost everything can kill you. In fact its one of those platformers (Super Meat Boy anyone) which make Dark Souls look like a walk in the park.

With 3 games this month, it really finally feels like PS4 owners are beginning to get some worth back for their new consoles.


The last gen console isn’t totally forgotten though. Batman : Arkham Asylum is going to be available for a free download for all PS3 owners this month. Batman: Arkham Asylum is perhaps the first Batman game since 2000 who really does justice to the Batman franchise. If you haven’t played it yet (and to that I say, WTF dude?), I suggest you download that game as soon as you get the chance.

Dungeons And Dragons is also coming to PS Plus this month. As 2 arcade games from the Dungeons And Dragons franchise will be merged into 1 package as Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara. Think of this as Dino Crisis with a D&D theme.

PS Vita:

For the PS Vita, a PAC man inspired Pix The Cat, will be available for the PS Plus subscribers. Along with Pix The Cat, Rainbow Moon. a turn based RPG will also be available for the handheld console.

All these games will be available from the first Tuesday of October. That’s 07/10/2014. So don’t go looking for them just yet and keep calm. If you just have to download something, have you checked out the current PS Plus games from September, all of which be available for download until the 7th.

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