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The holiday season is about to start in Europe and America. Which basically means the best deals of the year are just around the corner. Not only that the PS Plus lineup for December is looking pretty sweet.



December marks the first time a full blown AAA game will be released on the PS4 under the PS Plus. Injustice: God Among Us, Ultimate Edition will be available to all PS4 owners with a PS Plus subscription. Injustice made by the same team who brought you Mortal Kombat is set in an alternate DC universe where Superman has gone a little over board with his plans to protect Earth. The game is an excellent brawler and also has a great story which ties up neatly with the actual game.


The other game which will be available to the PS4 owners will be Secret Ponchos. Secret Ponchos is a twin stick shooter set in the evergreen Wild West. The game allows for a neat single player, and 4 player co-op and multiplayer mayhem. The game joins games like Velocity 2X as launching as PS4 Plus title.



The last gen console is still offering hard hitting games every month. This month, all PS3 owners can now download the Hitman HD trilogy which includes Hitman 2, Hitman Contracts and  Hitman Blood Money. Players take control of Agent 47, who works as an Assassin on and off with each mission providing you with alternate ways to kill your target. All 3 of the games were well appreciated, and the complete collection comes with improved graphics.


The other game which will be available to PS Plus owners is Deadly Premonition: The Director’s Cut. Deadly Premonition is a horror survival game, but implements Open world dynamics which is kind of strange. The game is mentioned in the Guinness Book Of World Records for the most polarizing game ever. So whether you will like it or not, is completely upto you.

PS Vita:

Final Horizon a tower defense game will be available for download this month. As far as tower defense games go Final Horizon is one of the most dependable. It puts a campaign feel on the tower defense model, and makes it quite enjoyable.

The second Vita title, which is also cross-play for PS4 and PS3, is Titan Attacks!. Inspired by old-school arcade shooters and boasting some slick graphics and a bumping soundtrack, get ready for some classic fun in the palm of your hands.

I really think the PS3 offering are off the charts this month. With Hitman collection offering 3 games in one and Titan Attack allowing for cross play, PS3 owners are getting a total of 5 games for their consoles. Now that’s value for money.

On the other hand, PS4 owners will be happy that AAA games are finally joining the PS Plus list. It was getting pretty boring showing off indie games on your next gen console.

Want to check out, how Xbox Live Gold fared against the PS Plus this month. Click right here

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