Wyrmbyte announced that it is launch day for Ashes of Oahu, the open-world action game/RPG set in the beautiful Hawaiian islands and packed with uniquely Hawaiian visuals and traditions. After a successful beta season, Wyrmbyte is confident that it has made a memorable experience for players that is unlike any other game on the market today.
Ashes of Oahu is an open world, story-driven shooter where you work with or against the surviving factions of a post apocalyptic Hawaii.
Main Features
- Inspired by native Hawaiian stories, traditions, and beliefs but with a unique fictional twist that brings in ghosts, raiders, and gods
- Four distinct factions to work for…or against!
- Over 75,000 lines create a massive and engaging narrative
- Choices truly matter and can lead to any one of over 100 different endings!
- Guns take on new and amazing powers thanks to the Magical Weapon Mod System
- Play your way by unlocking 50+ skills and abilities
- 25 sq/km of beautiful locations throughout Oahu, Hawaii
- Craft items from Hawaiian resources you find throughout the island
Read our review here: http://www.gameffine.com/ashes-of-oahu-review-not-quite-there-yet/
STEAM Store : https://store.steampowered.com/app/671600/Ashes_of_Oahu/
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/AshesofOahu/
REDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/AshesOfOahu/
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPXW…
DISCORD: https://discordapp.com/invite/ac2UVuQ
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/AshesOfOahuGame?s=17
WIKI: https://ashesofoahu.gamepedia.com/Ashes_of_Oahu_Wiki
All of the links you have provided redirect through youtube.
Fixed! Thanks.