ATLUS released a new trailer for the upcoming tactical RPG Persona 5 Tactica, sharing more details about the different techniques to use on the battlefield, how to best strategize against unique enemies, fusing Personas, and crafting powerful new weapons. In addition, the team shared more details about how Sub-Personas can maximize each squad member’s capabilities and put different difficulty levels to the test for further challenges.
Overthrow your enemies in Persona 5 Tactica with powerful Personas, and an assortment of weapons, and wipe them out with style in this fresh new tactical RPG from the award-winning Persona 5 game. Persona 5 Tactica launches on Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Windows, Steam, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch on November 17, 2023. Persona 5 Tactica will also be available on Xbox Game Pass at launch.
Persona 5 Tactica is now available for pre-order at Persona 5 Tactica (