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So Mafia III released just last night, can’t specify the exact time, but it seems to have garnered a very negative feedback from people on the PC. From all the Steam reviews to the groups on social media such as Facebook, people have stated their displeasure at the bad port, lack of options and the bad visuals of the game. When I visited the Steam store just some time after the release, the game had a feedback of ‘Mostly Negative’, but it has changed to Mixed at the time of writing.

As for all the complains here are some of them in quotes (No names):

Steam Users:

30 fps lock, no SLI support plus the graphics look blurry as hell. Looks like upscaling from 720p or really bad AA.
I always loved Mafia but this one is not worth the money at the moment.
2x 980ti SLI

Bad Port ,
I had high hopes for this game but lots of problems
Game crashed and rebooted my pc I7 4790K 16gb ram Strix 980
( GTAV / Horizon 3 runs with No Problems )
Graphics artifacts/glitching
poor graphics options
Looks blurry even with motion blur off
30 fps locked and its not even a smooth 30 fps but a jittery mess
Stutter/Jitter while game is installed on SSD
AI saying the same lines over and over it gets annoying
A very bad port so far can`t wait till they fix this

-Can’t bind extra mouse buttons to anything
-Rear view mirror has terrible draw distance
-30 fps cap
-Really low res textures all over the place
-Looks like upscaled graphics
-Horrible shadow draw distance on some objects

Lock on 30 FPS is a incredible thing in this year,especially to 2K ,you’ve got to be kidding me!Low textures,no SLI support,and if you use the resolution ratio over 1920×1080 ,the game will be crushed,just wait for the patch or the game ready driver.At this time,I don’t recommand this game,this time,yeah,keep your eyes open.

On Facebook, people are confirming this by posting about the game and considering that the game had such hype surrounding it, I was surprised at the quality of the port. We can see that even the high end PCs are struggling to run this game properly. Most of the recurrent complains are the 30 fps lock, the bad texture quality and the stuttering of frames which for a PC gamer are quite annoying. AS for the game itself, people are giving it decent scores for the gameplay, story etc, but nothing over the top. So unless the issues are fixed, I would recommend holding back on the purchase.

13 hours ago (At the time of writing), the developers of Mafia 3 gave the PC community a message regarding the various issues and it seems that they will be patching it ASAP:

ORIGINAL POST: We know how important having options that best suit your PC’s performance capabilities are. The team has been hard at work ensuring that Mafia III’s performance is consistent across all platforms, and right now the game runs at a solid 30 frames-per-second. We are currently working on an update for PC that will give players the option to play Mafia III at higher framerates. We’ll share more details about the update, and when you can expect it to arrive, very soon. In the meantime, the team welcomes feedback and would like to hear from you about what performance adjustment options are important to you. We’re actively considering a number of additional post-launch improvements on PC that would give players more control over how they can tailor the game’s experience to suit their rig’s performance. It’s been an incredible journey developing Mafia III and we couldn’t be more excited to get the game in your hands and hear what you think!

UPDATE [10/6 / 6PM PT]: We currently have a patch running here at the studio that includes 30, 60, and unlimited frames-per-second options in the video menu, among other improvements for the PC version of Mafia III. We’re verifying the patch now to ensure everything is working as expected. If everything goes well, we expect the update to go live this weekend. We will be keeping the PC community up-to-date on the status of the patch throughout the weekend and thank you for all the feedback!

But frame rate is just one of the many issues that the game currently has, according to the consumer.

So what do you guys think about the bad PC port? I actually find this similar to the fiasco that was Arkham Knight, just not as bad. Have you played the game? What kind of performance did you get and what system specs did you have? Let us know that and more in the comments below.

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