The national finals of the LudusPro tournament have come to a conclusion, with Charanjot taking the first place, beating Raheel in the finals. The third spot went to Sufi, who beat Suhaas in the loser’s bracket after the semi-finals. The golden boot went to Raheel for scoring 21 goals – the highest number of goals in the tournament!
The LudusPro finals was held at Lion’s Den, Gir, a luxurious resort, where the games were streamed live on the large screen! All 16 players enjoyed a complimentary stay in 3 villas inside the resort, getting a chance to meet and greet their fellow competitors before the action unfolded on the big screen. The games were relatively tough, and the League format meant that games lasted quite for some time, with each player losing and winning a match alternately. Finally it came down to Suhaas, Sufi, Raheel and Charanjot in the semi-finals, where Raheel and Charanjot became finalists, leading to the conclusion of the tournament.
Charanjot’s victory seemed predictable since he had already scored two victories over Raheel in the group stages. The 15 year old played like a unstoppable rolling ball, with no force capable of stopping him from steamrolling his way to victory.
LudusPro’s FIFA tournament was one of the tournaments that allowed players from a large number of cities to play, even cities that had not seen a large number of tournaments before. This is a big step to take, especially since FIFA is one of the niche esports making the rounds in the country right now, with the majority of the gaming community being engaged in DOTA 2 and Counter Strike : Global Offensive and their respective esports scene in the country.