Hitman GO, a turn-based strategy spin-off of Hitman, was originally released to critical acclaim back in April 2014 for iOS and soon after for Android.
Square Enix, as reported on their official blog, has announced that the ‘Definitive Edition’ of Hitman GO will release on PS4, PS Vita and Steam next Tuesday, February 23.
Hitman GO: Definitive Edition features all the content from the original mobile game, including its DLC. Newly added features such as ‘Cross-buy and Cross-save’ will let you play the game on the go on both, PS4 and PS Vita, without buying it twice. Paris Opera from Blood Money and the St. Petersburg mission from Hitman 2: Silent Assassination also included. A new Platinum trophy is also added and can be achieved by completing everything ‘without using hints‘. All in the game is remastered with ‘updated visiuals’.
With the upcoming release of Hitman, Square Enix wants to create more hype about it with such moves. Well, we can always keep our fingers crossed to turn things good for this Hitman reboot.
Watch the trailer of Hitman GO: Definitive Edition and tell your thoughts on it in the comments below: