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Hail to John Cena Baby? – Duke Nukem Film Adaptation in the Works

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According to the The Hollywood Reporter, the former full-time WWE wrestler John Cena is in talks to star as the iconic 90’s fps macho man Duke Nukem in a film adaptation produced by Michael Bay’s production company Platinum Dunes.

There is no director or writer attached to the project at the moment; at the moment it’s all on paper as a means to get Cena on the big screen in an action role.

Duke Nukem franchise had hit an all time low after the disastrous release of Duke Nukem Forever back in 2011. Maybe a film adaptation it just what it needs to bring the franchise back? But fans are clearly displeased as they doubt if the wrestler has the acting chops or on-screen presence to bring the legendary American icon to life. Add in the fact that most of the video game adaptations have always been a disaster in the Hollywood box office. Would you like to see John Cena bring to life, the steroid fueled badass originally voiced by industry veteran Jon St. John? Tell us in the comments below.

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