What’s the most fun thing about GTA. The detailed open world, the huge number of missions, events or activities that you can do in that world, or is it the satirical witty tale about the American life. For me it has always been the cheat codes. Yup the codes that gave you a rocket booster, the cheat that gave you invincibility and cheats that gave you inifinite ammo. Well you will be happy to know, that as GTA V has made the leap from last gen to current gen, so has the cheat codes. Below you will find a compiled list of the various cheat codes that you can use in GTA V.
The cheats should work on both the Xbox One and the PS4. If you do run into a problem using any of the cheats, let us know in the comments. If you happen to find more cheat codes that we don’t know about, again use the comments. Just enter the given sequence while you are playing the game or in the pause screen, and the cheat should activate. Also the cheats are not permanent and will disappear when you restart the game. Remember while the game does not penalize you for using them, you will not be able to gain any achievements or trophies while the cheat codes are active.
Character Cheats
This collection of cheats gives your character items or changes their physical condition.
PS4: Triangle, Right, Right, Left, Right, Square, O, Left
Xbox One: Y, Right, Right, Left, Right, X, B, Left
Fast Swimming
PS4: Left, Left, L1, Right, Right, R2, Left, L2, Right
Xbox One: Left, Left, LB, Right, Right, RT, Left, LT, Right
Fast Running
PS4: Triangle, Left, Right, Right, L2, L1, Square
Xbox One: Y, Left, Right, Right, LT, LB, X
PS4: Right, X, Right, Left, Right, R1, Right, Left, X, Triangle
Xbox One: Right, A, Right, Left, Right, RB, Right, Left, A, Y
Max Health and Armor
PS4: O, LT, Triangle, R2, X ,Square, O, Right, Square, L1, L1, L1
Xbox One: B, LB, Y, RT, A, X, B, Right, X, L|B, LB, LB
PS4: Left ,Right, L1, L2, R1, R2, R2, Left, Left, Right, L1
Xbox One: Left, Right, LB, LT, RB, RT, RT, Left, Left, Right, LB
Super Jump
PS4: L2, L2, Square, O, O, L2, Square, Square, Left, Right, X
Xbox One: Left, Left, Y, Y, Right, Right, Left, Right, X, RB, RT
Recharge Character Ability
PS4: X, X, Square, R1, L1, X, Right, Left, X
Xbox One: A, A, X, RB, LB, A, Right, Left, A
Skyfall: Teleports your character high in the air. Parachute not included.
PS4: L1, L2, R1, R2, Left, Right, Left, Right, L1, L2, R1, R2, Left, Right, Left, Right
Xbox One: LB, LT, RB, RT, Left, Right, Left, Right, LB, LT, RB, RT, Left, Right, Left, Right
Slow-Motion Aiming
PS4: Square, L2, R1, Triangle, Left, Square, L2, Right, X
Xbox One: X, LT, RB, Y, Left, X, LT, Right, A
Wanted Level – Raise: Increases wanted level by one star each time you enter the code
PS4: R1, R1, O, R2, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right
Xbox One: RB, RB, B, RT, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right
Wanted Level – Lower: Reduces wanted level by one star each time you enter the code
PS4: R1, R1, O, R2, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left
Xbox One: RB, RB, B, RT, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left
Weapons & Ammo
PS4: Triangle, R2, Left, L1, X ,Right, Triangle, Down, Square, L1, L1, L1
Xbox One: Y, RT, Left, LB, A, Right, Y, Down, X, LB, LB, LB
Weapon Modifier Cheats
These cheats enhance your attacks in usual ways.
Explosive Melee Attacks
PS4: Right, Left, X, Triangle, R1, O, O, O, L2
Xbox One: Right, Left, A, Y, RB, B, B, B, LT
Explosive Bullets
PS4: Right, Square, X, Left, R1, R2, Left, Right, Right, L1, L1, L1
Xbox One: Right, X, A, Left, RB, RT, Left, Right, Right, LB, LB, LB
Flame Bullets
PS4: L1, R1, Square, R1, Left, R2, R1, Left, Square, Right, L1, L1
Xbox One: LB, RB, X, RB, Left, RT, RB, Left, X, Right, LB, LB
World Cheats
Use these codes to alter the properties of the game world.
Change Weather
PS4: R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Square
Xbox One: RT, A, LB, LB, LT, LT, LT, X
Change Gravity
PS4: Left, Left, L1, R1, L1, Right, Left, L1, Left
Xbox One: Left, Left, LB, RB, LB, Right, Left, LB, Left
Friction: Vehicles lose their traction, causing them to slide all over the road.
PS4: Triangle, R1, R1, Left, R1, L1, R2, L1
Xbox One: Y, RB, RB, Left, RB, LB, RT, LB
Slow Motion: The world slows down more each time you use this code. Time will be returned back to normal when you enter it a fifth time.
PS4: Triangle, Left, Right, Right, Square, R2, R1
Xbox One: Y, Left, Right, Right, X, RT, RB
Vehicle Cheats
Use these codes to get a free ride instantly.
PS4: R1, O, R2, Right, L1, L2, X, X, Square, R1
Xbox One: RB, B, RT, Right, LB, LT, A, A, X, RB
Garbage Truck PS4: Circle, R1, Circle, R1, Left, Left, R1, L1, Circle, Right
Xbox One: B, RB, B, RB, Left, Left, RB, LB, B, Right
Golf Caddy
PS4: O, L1, Left, R1, L2, X, R1, L1, O, X
Xbox One: B, LB, Left, RB, LT, A, RB, LB, B, A
Rapid GT
PS4: R2, L1, O, Right, L1, R1, Right, Left, O, R2
Xbox One: RT, LB, B, Right, LB, RB, Right, Left, B, RT
Stretch Limo
PS4: R2, Right, L2, Left, Left, R1, L1, O, Right
Xbox One: RT, Right, LT, Left, Left, RB, LB, B, Right
PS4: Left, Left, Right, Right, Left, Right, Square, O, Triangle, R1, R2
Xbox One: Left, Left, Right, Right, Left, Right, X, B,Y, RB, RT
Maibatsu Sanchez
PS4: O, X, L1, O, O, L1, O, R1, R2, L2, L1, L1
Xbox One: B, A, LB, B, B, LB, B, RB, RT, LT, LB, LB
Shitzu PCJ 600
PS4: R1, Right, Left, Right, R2, Left, Right, Square, Right, L2, L1, L1
Xbox One: RB, Right, Left, Right, RT, Left, Right, X, Right, LT, LB, LB
Buzzard (helicopter)
PS4: O, O, L1, O, O, O, L1, L2, R1, Triangle, O, Triangle
Xbox One: B, B, LB, B,B,B,LB, LT, RB, Y, B, Y
Duster (plane)
PS4: Right, Left, R1, R1, R1, Left, Triangle, Triangle, X, O, L1, L1
Xbox One: Right, Left, RB, RB, RB, Left, Y, Y, A, B, LB, LB
Stunt Plane
PS4: O, Right, L1, L2, Left, R1, L1, L1, Left, Left, X, Triangle
Xbox One: B, Right, LB, LT, Left, RB, LB, LB, Left, Left, A, Y