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Little Green Men Games has released the first gameplay trailer for Starpoint Gemini 3, the upcoming open-world space RPG which puts the player in the cockpit of Captain Jonathan Bold, a space adventurer traveling the vast universe.

Fasten your seatbelts and prepare to immerse yourself in the world of a space adventurer. Visit various venues – from pubs with shady clientele to high-tech facilities and glitzy, noisy nightclubs; pick your targets, and choose your allies. Your new, epic journey in the Gemini universe is about to begin.

If you’re ready to begin your next space adventure, add the game to your wishlist on Steam.

Starpoint Gemini 3 is an open-world space action single-player RPG with a heavy emphasis on immersive storytelling and free-roam exploration of the vast universe. The game will make franchise fans feel at home, however, one that has had a complete makeover. For the first time, players will get the chance to explore two more planetary systems, as well as the familiar Gemini system. These are all inhibited by animated, 3D NPCs with high-quality voiceovers that players will be able to interact with in order to find answers and help them reveal all the plot twists. Gamers will now be able to observe planet surfaces, as well as space station interiors, and they’ll get the chance to become involved in personal interactions between missions. These new features support a compelling story while allowing players to immerse themselves and truly feel the Gemini vibe inside out.

Unlike in previous parts of the series, this time around, the player won’t be forced to face the challenges the universe throws at him all alone. He will be accompanied by ADAH – a digital consciousness that runs the ship’s computer and can download itself into the gamer’s drone, giving it a self-aware mind and a very screwed-up personality. But hey, it’s good to have a companion while exploring endless space – even if it’s AI-controlled and fairly cynical to boot. Operating the drone will be crucial for completing certain off-ship tasks, such as gaining access to the inside spaces of derelicts, station corridors, and asteroid caves.

All these refinements bring Starpoint Gemini 3 to a whole new level but at the same time are built on the game’s solid core, consisting of adrenaline-packed dogfight combat, a modular ship-upgrading system, a rich, versatile, free-roam environment, an immersive plot, and engaging gameplay.


  • A huge, immersive space spanning three different planetary systems of former imperial colonies;

  • A large variety of characters with unique personalities, different questlines, and factions;

  • A unique adrenaline-packed combat system that enables mid-combat mounted weapon switching, allowing you to change weapon and damage types during combat without the need to dock for refitting;

  • New out-of-ship drone control and exploration of space structures;

  • A modular ship upgrading system;

  • A complete set of RPG skills to boost the player’s capabilities over the course of the game;

  • Detailed visitable interiors on different planets;

  • A universe populated with unique areas, objects, and characters that allow players to engage in many different activities while free-roaming between missions;

  • The storyline is written by Darko Macan, an official writer for numerous Star Wars and Marvel comics.

Starpoint Gemini 3 is coming to PC and Xbox One later this year. More information about the game can be found on the official websiteFacebookTwitterYouTube, and Twitch.

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