Endgadget has jumped the gun and spoiled Activision’s surprise that was to be revealed in a stream later tonight. According to the source, Destiny 2 – alongside all Year One content ( including foundational modes, activities, and rewards) – will be made available to download at no cost across PC and console in 2019. It will go free to play this September, will be renamed to Destiny 2: New Light, and it will be moving from Battle.Net to Steam. Existing Battle.net players will be able to migrate all characters and purchases over to the Steam version once this happens
According to the now-removed story, Destiny 2’s free to play version will launch alongside the release of the Shadowkeep expansion on September 17 this year and will support cross-save for every platform (PC, Xbox One, Stadia) except PS4. Going forward, no more content will be made exclusive to one platform over others. All platforms will have the same access to all new content at the same time. Future content will be made available on a pay to play basis like the upcoming expansion Shadowkeep.
This will all be officially announced in a few hours.