As far as reveal goes, this is one tied up week. Ubisoft will be revealing the new Watch Dogs 2 while Square Enix would be revealing a new IP and a demo of the Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. Not staying far behind, we have Bungie who sent out mailers to loyal Destiny players (Yours truly among them) that they would be releasing details about the latest Destiny expansion this Thursday.
Watch the Destiny Expansion reveal on Twitch here
The stream will go live at 10 AM PDT on 09/06/2016 which would translate to 10:30 PM IST on 09/06/2016. The information was shared among the Destiny community through emails which stated:
Join us for a first look at Destiny’s next great adventure with Bungie Development Team. Get a glimpse at the next threat that Guardians will confront later on this year, and learn all about the inspirations that we’re packing into this new story.
Of course rumours abound about what Bungie has in store for us next. Leaked images and more recently a leaked ad all point to the fact that the next expansion will be called, “Rise Of Iron”. But sans the name, we don’t know much about what the new expansion will be about. How about you?