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Best legendaries to craft for the Gadgetzan meta in Hearthstone

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Top 10 Hearthstone Legendaries worth crafting in the Gadgetzan meta

All players have a dilemma when it comes to crafting the most valuable cards in Hearthstone – the legendaries. They are super rare to find in packs, and it costs 1600 dust to craft one, and saving up dust involves a tedious bit of grinding (unless you have money, and are willing to sacrifice tons of it behind the game to unlock the legendaries). It’s always a dilemma when it comes to crafting legendaries – how to spend the dust behind a shiny new card with a the orange gem in its center. Some of the best legendaries worth crafting in the wake of the release of the Mean Streets Of Gadgetzan expansion are vaguely outlined below :

1) Patches The Pirate : From aggro decks to miracle decks to even midrange decks, Patches is a must include in almost all decks except control decks. A 1 mana 1/1 charge minion, that can be summoned from the deck whenever a pirate is summoned, it acts essentially like a 0 mana minion that deals one free damage if one manages to summon 1 mana pirates like the Small-Time Buccaneer or the Southseas Deckhand on the first turn itself. It’s good starter for most decks, and even if drawn in hand, can be used to finish off pesky minions by dealing that one damage you need to take control of the board.

2) Aya Blackpaw :The leader of the Jade gang can summon a Jade Golem from the bunches under her command both when she dies and when she is summoned. Although her stats are too weak to guarantee her longevity on the board, the deathrattle effect means that she is effective even after dying. And the weak stats often mean that one can often trade it for a bigger enemy minion, and summon a golem after she dies. The effect also synergizes with other “jade” cards like Jade Spirit, which means the Jade Golems grow progressively larger till they completely overwhelm the board in your favor.

3) Sylvanas Windrunner : One of the best legendaries of the Classic set, Sylvanas is a versatile legendary that fits into many a deck, mainly control decks. When Sylvanas dies, you are given command of a random enemy minion. If your opponent starts throwing pesky taunts or minions resistive to board clears that deal damage, Sylvanas is always a good choice. Just throw her in and trade. You put down a minion, and steal one from among the other enemy minions. Why even play minions when you can use your opponent’s minions against him?

4) Ragnaros The Firelord : While essentially off the meta now because of its aggressive nature, Ragnaros still strikes a chord in one or more places. It’s one of the best legendaries from all the expansions released so far, because of the heavy damage it deals in one blow at the end of each turn. It is not easily removable, and only multiple damage spells or hard removals can remove it, which also means lesser removal options for your opponent for your other minions. Either way, it always deals 8 damage, so its never a waste even if it gets removed in the next turn only.

5) Edwin Vancleef : Among the class legendaries, Edwin certainly leaves a mark. Played as a staple of most (if not all) Rogue decks, Edwin is essentially a finisher, which gets buffed by +2/+2  for every card played before Edwin is played. Because of the cheap nature of Rogue spells in general,  the ability to generate Coins through minions like Tomb Pillager or Cutpurse,  the Counterfeit Coin spell, which is the same as the coin, but is a collectible card (the Coin is an uncollectible card) , and the Preparation spell, which reduces the cost of all spells, it is often possible to summon a 12/12 Edwin on the first turn itself if one gets the right draws. Even if one summons it on a later turn, the synergy with cards that grant stealth, like Conceal, essentially protects it from hard removals.

6) Leeroy Jenkins : Another finisher frequently seen in control decks as well as in aggro decks. Leeroy continues to be viable in most decks, despite a downside of summoning two 1/1 whelps for your opponent (which might destroy Leeroy in the next turn itself, unless they are removed that turn only, or one has a Taunt minion beside Leeroy to block the attack). Mostly used in OTK combos along with buffs to destroy your opponent in one turn only, before he decides to put the whelps summoned by Leeroy to use. The poor stats suggest it does not have board life beyond one turn, hence it is usually used to destroy a strong enemy taunt minion for the rest of your minions to strike at the opponent, or to strike at the opponent when he is critically low on health.

7) Bloodmage Thalnos : One of the cheapest legendaries, Thalnos is a 2 mana 1/1 minion that grants the player summoning it extra spell damage, which can be used instantly along with a board clear to take control of the board, or along with a spell to destroy a pesky minion, or hit at the opponent’s face. Thalnos even grants a card when it dies, so you might draw something crucial.

8) Kazakus : The leader of the Kabal, his strong knowledge in all manners of potions makes him an ideal addition in most decks running Reno Jackson, including Reno mage, Renolock,etc.  One of the most flexible legendaries for some of the most complex decks to be used on the ladder, Kazakus synergizes with a lot of cards. It can be paired up with Brann Bronzebeard to get two potions in one turn, to be used for clearing the board, or for generating huge amounts of burst damage, or for hard removing big enemy minions,for resurrecting friendly dead minions, etc. Kazakus has a unique synergy with Reno Jackson (as it is Reno that inspired an entire archetype of decks to be built around him),Inkmaster Solia, Raza The Unchained and Kruul the Unshackled and adds more power to all Reno decks.

9) N’Zoth the Corruptor : One of the dangerous Gods spreading maddening whispers everywhere, N’Zoth is one of the finishers in most decks running lots of deathrattle minions. Decks running deathrattle along with N’Zoth do not fear board clears or hard removals, because the minions grant advantages even on death. N’Zoth brings back all the deathrattle minions that had died in the game back on being summoned, along with him. This grants him synergy with important cards like Sylvanas WIndrunner, Cairne Bloodhoof,Sergeant Sally and even Bloodmage Thalnos, who all are resurrected once he comes into the board. It is a one-of-a-kind finisher, which is a great way for slower decks to survive against fast decks. N’Zoth finds its place in many control decks.

10) Justicar Trueheart : One of the most important minions used in control decks, especially in budding ones deploying anti-aggro tech cards at all phases of the game, Justicar is a must craft minion if one decides to play control. It buffs the hero power for the rest of the game, which means that one can deal heavy damage using the hero power, or simply heal or armor up to the point aggro decks have no way other than clicking the “concede” button. A very weak minion in terms of stat and board longevity, Justicar is played mainly for her battlecry, which improves the late game survivability of control decks, as the change done due to Justicar’s battlecry lasts till the end of the game.

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