Uldum is under siege by the League of E.V.I.L, and the League of Explorers are more than ready to fight back! Besides the Explorers, Uldum is home to some powerful creatures, including the dead themselves. With an all-out fight between the guardians, E.V.I.L and the Explorers, players are in for quite a ride.
Legendaries are always the cards which help define a metagame. Saviors of Uldum have access to some powerful legendaries, though some tend to be a little better than others. In the volatile metagame of the early days of the expansion, it is difficult to predict the legendaries that will indeed be more powerful later when the meta has settled down. We have compiled a list of legendaries which seem to be performing decently in decks for now. (A fair word of warning, this is not a crafting guide, so if you’re crafting something on seeing this list, you’re on your own) :-
Zephyrs the Great:
One of the best possible cards to have come with Saviors of Uldum. Zephyrs is a highlander card, meaning that he only works in decks that have a single copy of each card. Zephyrs allow you to get the “perfect card” as a way of reacting to the board. While the card has mainly been used in control singleton (or for your ease, “highlander”) decks so far, it has also seen success in aggro decks that have been built around it. Zephyr’s effect of allowing you to react to the board instantly is very powerful, making him possibly (the) best legendary of the set.
The “bigger” genie of the lamp, Siamat takes two of many “adaptations” when it comes on the board. While the keyword used isn’t “adapt” (a Djinn can’t really “adapt”, can he?), the effect is the same. You get to choose from Rush, Divine Shield, Taunt and Windfury, making him the ideal tool to trade out large boards without losing much tempo. Siamat is a staple of almost every control deck who wishes to survive against aggro decks in the late game. Possibly the second best legendary of the whole set.
Corrupt the Waters :
Quests have made a comeback in Saviors of Uldum, with the same rules as before. You do something a fixed number of times, you get yourself a powerful hero power. (Possibly the only difference is that Quests change your hero power and don’t give you a powerful minion to your hand). The Shaman quest has stirred quite some attention, which allows you to double the effect of all battlecries. Shaman has access to quite a few powerful battlecries, including the almighty Shudderwock, which acts as the finisher in the deck in case anything goes awry. Cards like Lifedrinker and Weaponized Wasp push burst damage, which gets even more effective when played by Shudderwock. Control variants use anti-fatigue tools as well as board clears beside the Quest to help stay alive in the late game.
Untapped Potential :
The Druid Quest seems to be the most powerful amongst all so far. Forcing the player to keep mana unspent each turn for four turns, the result is a Druid hero power which combines both effects of the “Choose One” cards. Powerful cards like Oasis Surger and Hidden Oasis (also from the expansion) increase the power of the deck. Combine this with Cenarius for a finisher, and you have touched a sweet spot.
Reno the Relicologist:
Despite Blizzard’s attempt to make singleton decks popular again, only three highlander cards have seen play so far. Reno might have comeback to Uldum with more muscles,but his card’s ability is only a shadow of the glory of the Reno from the League of Explorers adventure. Despite that, Reno, along with Zephyrs have been tested as part of highlander control decks, with quite some success.
Dinotamer Brann :
Hunter finally gets a viable highlander deck! Brann’s powerful ability to summon King Krush allows him to summon 10/12 worth of stats on one turn. Brann may not be powerful himself, but combined with his little pet, he’s definitely a threat. Singleton hunter has hunter’s powerful spells and the potential of Zul’jin to seal off games on his own.
King Phaoris:
Big spell stuff used to be quite common in the Knights of the Frozen Throne, especially with Druid, Priest, and Mage. Phaoris is a way to allow these decks to make a comeback. With support from the past few expansions, even Paladin and Shaman has got quite some decent spells. Use spells to control the board, then use Phaoris with a huge hand to get a huge board instantly. It feels even better to draw the card from support cards like Jepetto Joybuzz or Prismatic Lens, which allows Phaoris to be played much earlier, much to the opponent’s shock. Most decks can’t recover from the pressure put on by Phaoris.