According to DSOG, “Vietnamese store ‘H2 Extreme Gaming‘ has briefly made ASUS ROG STRIX 1180 available for pre-order. The store was quick to react and has taken down the page, however people were able to capture the listing which revealed a release date, as well as an initial price and the specifications for this upcoming NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1180 third-party model.”
According to the store, the ASUS ROG STRIX 1180 will release on September 28th and will be priced at a whopping $1530. That almost makes us suspect the credibility of the website, but it could have been an awful typo.
The ASUS ROG STRIX 1180 will be using the GT104 chip and will feature 3584 CUDA cores, 16GB of GDDR6 Micron video memory, a 256-bit memory bus and will offer 14.0 Gbps.
Even though the legitimacy of the news is still up in smoke, there is no denying that the 11 series GPU is going to be announced this year.