Astral Chain Review
Astral Chain is a 3D Action/Adventure game released for Nintendo Switch. Developed by Platinum Games, they’ve had a decade of success with titles like Metal Gear Rising, The Wonderful 101, Bayonetta 2, and NieR: Automata. As their first original game released for the Nintendo Switch, Astral Chain continues the trend of high-octane 3D action with blades, powerful beasts, style, and a wild sense of humor.
Story & Setting
The game takes place in the year 2078. In a post-apocalyptic dystopia, “chimeras” have come from the Astral Plane and wiped out much of humanity. “Redshift” turns humans into chimeras, causing them to attack their own. Set in a colony known as the Ark, you fight in the last bastion for humanity. Within an organization called Neuron, the police officers use advanced technology and “Legions” to wipe out these threats.
You can choose to play as a boy or a girl. Whichever one you choose, the other will be your twin. Your character remains silent while your twin speaks fully voiced dialogue. Much of the game’s dialogue involves radio interactions with your Neuron contacts. Plus it showcases a ton of dramatic sequences.
Astral Chain features a full-on action story with all the cliches you can count. Great as the narrative is, you’ll probably see a number of “twists” coming fairly quickly. Your father, who got you into Neuron, disappears. Plus you’ll encounter conspiracy, sacrifice, and more plot twists.
On the flip side, there’s plenty of humor in the game. There are some characters that range from arrogant to adorable in addition to a dog mascot, a toilet faerie, and other little absurdities. The vending machines all have a personality too. These are based on the “dere” personalities in Japanese anime, such as tsundere, kuudere, and so forth. You’ll find yourself surely entertained interacting with these machines!
Also, you’ll find a great deal of world-building as well. Several chapters feature log notes that offer a background to the story. Side-quests help you interact with NPCs and try to save a loved one. You can use the IRIS to learn their name, weight, height, and more. Plus the Ark is divided into several sections, such as a street, a mall, a ghetto, and more. You’ll find this otherwise dystopian area teeming with life everywhere you go.
Gameplay & Mechanics
Astral Chain plays like a classic 3D action with an investigative twist. Part of your experience includes talking to NPCs, gathering clues, solving mysteries, and even arresting people. You’ll also undertake side-quests which lead to item rewards. Many can be used to upgrade your Legions in the skill tree or to upgrade your X-Baton or Legions at Neuron. Additionally, the IRIS is similar to the Scan and Thermal Visors from Metroid Prime as well as the Detective Mode in the Batman Arkham titles. You’ll use it in your investigations as well as to reveal boss HP bars.
When you’re not investigating, however, you’ll be fighting for your life against the chimeras in fast-paced combat. Built off the foundation of the original Devil May Cry, Astral Chain introduces players to familiar ground to anyone who played Bayonetta, Ninja Gaiden, God of War, and so forth. You’re armed with an X-Baton, which transforms into three phases: close-ranged baton, blaster, and a greatsword. The first one is for close-ranged damage, the second for long-range, and the third for heavy damage.
What separates Astral Chain from other action games, however, is the use of Legions. These entities feature a Sword, Arrow, Arm, Beast, and Axe form. The Sword is for close DPS while the arrow can fight from far away. The Arm fights with rapid punches akin to Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, while the Beast you can ride and evade attacks. The Axe, your final Legion, deals heavy damage and serves as a tank unit, shielding you from damage. Learning them all comes down to the same premise – know how to extend them and dish out damage. Changing them up will be based on how well you want to evade attacks and how much damage you want to deal out.
You can move your Legion with ZL + Right Stick, allowing you complete control over the creature. Honestly, moving the Legion is much easier than it sounds. Part of that is because much of the time it will attack on its own anyway. You can also launch it at enemies with ZL, then press ZL + ZR to launch yourself and let the two of you combo together. ZL will handle your Legion options while L will let you use its special action. Finally, the Chain you use bonds you to your Legion. You can also use it to bind enemies with.
Controls and Camera
Unfortunately, you have a lot to learn for controls. Every single button is used in combat. While they’re efficient, they can be a bit overwhelming. This may cause you to accidentally throw an item when you meant to do something else. I wasn’t used to dodging with B. I could have changed the control format, but you can’t map the buttons yourself. You can only change the setup through several variations.
While the game starts off easy and has 3 difficulty modes, it won’t be too hard. But even through the end of the game, I found myself pausing to figure what I wanted to do or hitting the wrong button. It’s simple to control Legions, but using everything you have and inputting the right techniques may be a bit complex during a tough battle. Be sure to visit the Training Room to hone your skills and learn your techniques.
Platforming involves moving your Legion across a platform and having it drag you across. While it’s simple at first, it doesn’t come without issues. Sometimes you’ll be just an inch away from the ledge and still fall off, taking heavy damage in the process. Some parts of the Astral Plane will have you latch your chain around stakes to turn angles to reach your destination. Sometimes, despite your best aim, you will still fall.
Even in battle, thanks to the lackluster camera, you may fight a boss, retreat, and fall off. It’s not the best platforming action in the series and I want to say they could have done without it. While it’s not a dealbreaker overall, it still could be done better.
Also, the camera is not exactly friendly up close. Getting close to a wall, you might not see yourself or your enemy. You may be mashing buttons just to defend yourself.
Visuals & Sound
Right off the bat, Astral Chain is a treat for the eyes. Going with the familiar anime style for past games, the vibrant character models feature gorgeous detail and animation. You’ll see aura trails flame up with your attack sequences. Plus you’ll see some nice touches with animation, such as tripping over other characters or even riding your loyal Beast legion.
Much of the music in this game consists of synth and heavy metal. You’ll listen to a catchy beat when running around Neuron HQ, your main hub. The area music transitions into battle music featuring heavier instrumentals once you encounter beasts. The Astral Plane has a mysterious melody to it as well. But the boss themes will definitely give you the most engagement. They’re incredible tracks that range from heavy metal to even an orchestral chorus.
Astral Chain contributes greatly to the Action genre as well as the Nintendo Switch library. The Legion feature offers a new dimension for battle. Learning to fight in sync helps you bond with your Legion. In particular, the Beast Legion feels like having your own pet which you can even pet for being a good boy! Coupled with the world-building and dialogue, Astral Chain truly feels like an immersive experience that invites you into its own world even 30 or more hours later.
The gameplay keeps you well-connected and engaged with the environment. Use Legions to solve puzzles and use them to fight in-tandem against your enemies. Solve puzzles and learn new abilities. It’s a streamlined process that stays well-paced with the player. Plus, if you love video game music, Astral Chain has plenty of great tunes to offer.
Overall, it’s a complete package. If not for some shoddy platforming segments, camera issues, and a few complexities with controls, it definitely ranks among Platinum Games’ finest titles. It’s their first entry on the Switch since the port of Bayonetta 2 and I hope to see more of their games developed for the system as well. If you enjoy 3D Action games, Astral Chain is the perfect addition to your library.
Thank you for reading our Astral Chain review. Will you get the game for Switch? Let us know in the comments below!