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ARK : Survival Evolved was a dynamically evolving game with the developers frequently patching in new features every patch or so. With only a month’s time left for release for Early Access, the developers are in a hurry to fix the remaining issues of the game before official retail release.

The new ARK update v261.0, is focused on addressing the crucial problem of optimization, which has been bugging the game since the release of the game. Many GPU as well as CPU rendering optimizations have been implemented, which should boost performance as well as fix minor graphical glitches in game. The random GPU driver crash which occurred while looking up at a highly detailed sky is also fixed. DirectX 12 mode is finally implemented for Windows 10, and it provides a performance boost to the GPUs which can run it (the improvement goes upto 20%). Addition of more creatures, gear, armor, weapons and structures to the game, a typical feature of most ARK patches, is also there. Lastly, an important feature to be implemented was “Boss Wars”, presumably named so because all boss creatures now have tribute requirements and are graded in order from easiest to toughest, which are challenges for the most reasonably equipped tribes on the ARK.

Are you ready to get back in game and tame the ARK for ensuring your survival?

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