The above question is very much debatable and is becoming a hot question among the gamers with upcoming games such as Fallout 4 and Just Cause 3. Batman Arkham Series until Origins was quite successful, but it all changed. Origins took all the good gameplay elements from Arkham City and put it into the ‘not so compelling’ story-line that was lame and pointless, but at least the game remained true to the core of Batman. Then Arkham Knight comes flying in, continuing after the events of Arkham City.
The Bat is immediately squashed by the critics and the PC port of the game is broken. The fanboys go all salivating over the thought of a new Batman game and the next thing you know, it has already sold more than a million copies. We are in the digital age people, and no one’s gonna stop you from uploading videos of a game you are enjoying. So now there are thousands of Arkham Knight videos online with millions of views. Let’s not forget the silly gamer who lives next door and owns a console, he is definitely going try his best to give you the biggest spoiler after playing the game, that is, ‘Who is the Arkham Knight?’. This fact is known by almost all gamers by this time and to those who don’t know, I ain’t going to be that next door gamer. This news spread faster than the story of GTA V which released in 2013. So coming to the main question “Is Anyone Interested in PC version of Arkham Knight?”
I’m honestly going to admit that I’m not going to waste my money on the game. Had it been in the same month as the console releases maybe I’d have waited for the prices to go down and would have bought the game then. But right now it’s just not worth the money.
I doubt that any enthusiastic gamer would like to play the game on PC after the bad port and the mediocre reviews. The plot of the game as per batman fans is plain stupid and has no basis. The most disappointing thing is that Rocksteady is not even going to give some DLCs as a compensation for the loss of the PC gamers. At least Ubisoft had the courtesy to give freebies as a compensation for the horrible game performance of Assassin’s Creed Unity.
What are your thoughts on Batman Arkham Knight? Is it a game on your to-get list or you’d rather buy some other games? Let us know in the comments below?