“What would happen if you mixed Legend of Zelda and Metroid Prime in the Aliens universe?”- This is what Bruno De Araujo had to say when we asked about his game Nebula: Sole Survivor. But as we have seen from the gameplay, not only is the above true, you could even go on to put in the likes of Mass Effect and Diablo in it. Nebula is basically a top down open world, action-survival game, which has major focus on exploration. The game seems interesting and can be a whole lot fun if you like to dive into exploration and crafting. We recently wrote about some of the other Kickstarter games and we will keep updating you whenever we find something interesting.
The game has been made on Unreal Engine 4 and looks beautiful. If we compare it with games of the same genre, it may well be the best looking game out there. The game follows the story of Ivy Howlett, a badass looking girl who enrolled for a trip to a moon of Jupiter namely, Europa, with the aim of colonizing it. The moon has some rather bad surprises for the team and all of them withered out except the protagonist. We still have no idea about what the end story may be, but let’s hope that it is awesome. Some of the screenshots provided by the developer can be seen below.
You’ll be surprised to know that the whole game has been made by Mr.Bruno De Arauho himself, except for the voice acting which has been done by his wife and some other help by Oscar Fogelstrom (All the technical part was handled by Bruno- Design, programming etc). Also the beta version of the game is already available which is a great bonus for those who want to try the game out. Key features of the game are mentioned below:
- Open world sci-fi map to explore, inside the base and out on the surface
- Player-driven, non-linear gameplay. Explore and upgrade your own way. You are free to come and go around the CICADA Base as you wish
- Crafting. Need a hand with those creatures? How about building your own automated turret, traps, and proximity mines?
- Upgrades are key. Upgrades and items unlock other parts of the habitat
- Realistic Artificial Intelligence. The creatures feel real and will hunt you down. They can hear you moving, and cooperate with each other to attack
- Jaw-dropping visuals. You’ve never seen this level of detail in this genre
Presently the game is in a Kickstarter campaign. Let’s hope that the developers can bring it to the market. Hopefully the game will be one which will be a must have among gamers. The links to the Facebook page, the beta download and other related links are given below.