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So this week was big on awesome gaming trailers as far as we at #100Games are concerned. The Batman Arkham Knight Trailer came out. And so did the Watch_Dog trailer, which you can check out below, with love from the internet.


Ever since that fateful day at E3,2 years ago WatchDogs has created buzz like no other. The following year, it had a lot of its glamour stolen away by the X-Box One, the Playstation 4, and not to mention Titanfall.

Even then WatchDogs was hot property. It was supposed to be a launch title for the Playstation 4, but Ubisoft pulled the game citing that the game was not ready. Or they just simply didnt want to compete in the year of GTA.WatchDogs-1

Anyways fast forward to March the 6th. We have had gameplay videos, trailers and even complete missions being shown off on Youtube by Ubisoft. But today, the game shifted gears. Not only did they showcase, perhaps the first trailer focusing on the story within the game, but also announced the WatchDogs release dates.

WatchDogs will be released on 27th of May on X-Box One, PlayStation 4, X-Box 360 and PlayStation 3.

As was initially planned, the Playstation 3 and PlayStation 4 owners will get exclusive DLC for WatchDogs. The game features an open world Chicago, multiplayer capabilities, and a story set in the same universe as the Assassin’s Creed franchise. If that doesn’t ring your bell. I really don’t know what will.

What do you make of WatchDogs. Interested or not? Let us know in the comments.

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