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In the next three months, the Deponia saga will be completed on consoles. On January 30th, the third series instalment Goodbye Deponia will be released on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One and, finally, on February 27th, Deponia Doomsday will get its console debut. Moreover, the first chapter of the series Deponia will be available on March 27th for Nintendo Switch and Xbox One.

DeponiaGoodbye Deponia and Deponia Doomsday will be available for $19,99 on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. As a celebration of the completion of the series the Deponia Collection will be released on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One with all four instalments for $39,99.

Deponia on Nintendo Switch will cost $39,99. The other adventures of Rufus and Goal will be available soon on Nintendo Switch as well. More info will be announced shortly.


In Deponia, the world has degenerated into a vast garbage dump, in which the crotchety Rufus ekes out his sorry existence. He is part of the lowest social class, doomed to live his life in literal mountains of trash. He hopes for an opportunity to get into the world of the rich, who live in a floating city high above the clouds.

Fate seems to smile on the snotty good-for-nothing when one day the attractive lady named Goal from the higher sector plummets into one of the trash heaps. Rufus decides to help the young woman out by taking her back to her husband. When he notices that Goal’s husband is a dead ringer for himself, he hatches a diabolical scheme to gain access to the upper world. However, things don’t work out quite as planned, since he has feelings for Goal which limits his usual unscrupulousness.


  • A classic point & click adventure in a unique world, in the tradition of Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchett and Matt Groening
  • Unique comic style with hand-drawn HD resolution 2D graphics
  • Cutscenes set to music with lovingly realized animations

Goodbye Deponia

The Organon plans the destruction of Deponia, the lovely Goal has (once again) disappeared, and anti-hero Rufus just can’t seem to stop getting in his own way.

All inventor and free spirit Rufus wanted to do was to get off the junkyard planet of Deponia and move to Elysium, the paradise orbiting Deponia as a spaceship reserved for the highest echelons of society. Goal, the ex-Elysian girl that Rufus has fallen head over heels for, still seems to be the key to his endeavor…and to the elevator that will get him to space. Finally, Rufus has come up with a seemingly perfect plan.

Deponia Doomsday

The flying city of Elysium has fallen, hideous Fewlocks inhabit the junk planet Deponia and Rufus is apparently the sole (human) survivor. He sees only one way out: Deponia must be blown up.

Terrified, Rufus awakes in his bed. Was that a dream or a vision? Fortunately, Rufus can check this right away as the oddball Professor McChronicle has detected several time anomalies. It’s rather handy that Rufus finds a time machine and immediately sets out to duly muddle up the past, present and future.


  • Dystopia vs. Utopia mixed with Neill Blomkamp’s Elysium and Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar – Welcome to Deponia Doomsday!
  • Fan service: Some players called for an alternate ending and another part to the Deponia saga
  • Goal, Lonzo, Lotti and even Wenzel – Reunions with familiar and over 70 new oddball characters
  • The player discovers the floating city of Elysium for the first time
  • With around 20 hours of gameplay and over 100 game backgrounds, Deponia Doomsday is the largest and most elaborate Deponia game so far

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