Yesterday, Telltale released the fifth episode in their Minecraft Story Mode episodic series titled “Order Up” which results in releasing a trailer too.
Watch the trailer below:
Teltale previously declared that this won’t be the last episode in the series as the series expanded with three more episodes coming this year.
Telltale summarizes Episode 5 as:
In the upcoming Episode 5, on a tip from Ivor, Jesse and friends head to an abandoned temple holding mysterious treasures. Ambushed by former Ocelot.Aiden and his crew, Jesse and friends.find themselves in an entirely new world: Sky City. As they explore, the Order finds that resources are at a premium, and nothing but ‘The Void’ exists below the known world.
Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 5 titled ‘Order Up’ is available now on PC/Mac, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and iOS and Android-based devices.