Star Citizen Alpha 2.0 is now available for all players! This release includes the very first elements of Star Citizen’s Persistent Universe, including large world maps, multi-crew ships, FPS combat and more!
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Explore a multitude of new locations around the gas giant Crusader. Start your journey at the massive Port Olisar transit station and then play alongside friends and enemies as you explore scenic asteroid fields, complex communications arrays, research satellites and even a derelict space station.
This release also adds a variety of flight-ready ships, including the powerful Retaliator bomber, the mighty Constellation Andromeda and new variants of the Avenger fighter. This is R.S.I.’s biggest release yet, introducing everything from interior physics grids, quantum travel, EVA, first person combat, missions and much, much more.
In an email to its subscribers, R.S.I. said that,
“Alpha 2.0 is the foundation for the Star Citizen’s Persistent Universe, and we are extremely proud to allow backers this early look at a major milestone in building the BDSSE! Welcome to Crusader: it’s time to get back into space”.
Star Citizen Alpha is a kick-started game which is exclusive to PC. The game has been in the news for not holding back on graphics and performance or developing for a minimum common platform. We at IndianNoob have been following the game closely, and you can be sure that we would be getting our hands on the alpha ASAP. See you there.