Who doesn’t want to play a game like Red Dead Redemption 2? Well, only those who have a PC, because that is the only platform eluded by Rockstar Games so far. However, there have been numerous “leaks” and “rumors” on the Internet which suggest that Red Dead Redemption 2 is likely to see a PC release soon. The latest leak comes from the LinkedIn profile of a Rockstar Leeds programmer who claims to have worked on Red Dead Redemption 2. The interesting part are the platform mentions for the game, which shows “PS4,XB1 and PC”.
The employee, by the name of Nan Ma, prominently mentions one of the titles worked on as “Red Dead Redemption 2” , which is supposed to go up on PS4, XB1 and PC. The guy left Rockstar Leeds in 2016, which means that a majority of the work on the title was finished by then. This isn’t surprising, since multiple launches have become a thing of late with Rockstar Games, starting with Grand Theft Auto 5, which was released on the PC two years after the launch on last-gen consoles.
In other news, there is quite some speculation that Red Dead Online had not performed nearly as well as GTA Online had, which means that an announcement for the PC release of Red Dead Redemption 2 might be coming soon. However, there are no numbers to support this statement, so take it with as a conspiracy theory (that is, with a pinch of salt).
The profile has been updated and the line on “Red Dead Redemption 2” promptly removed, though a few persisting screenshots on Reddit helped bring the rumor to life. It seems that Red Dead Redemption 2 indeed is going to go through the Grand Theft Auto 5 route, with multiple releases at multiple points of time to stack up on the revenue.