Dark Light

Sony has announced the six games to be added to the PlayStation Plus Instant Game Collection in April, including a pair of shooters, a few artistic indies and, as promised, a copy of Dishonored for the PlayStation 3.




So, you remember about a month ago when the March PS Plus games had not been announced early and everybody was freaking out? Well, apparently that had to do with some unexpected licensing issues, which led to some creative juggling and, as it turns out, Dishonored was originally supposed to be included in the lineup. All of the kinks were worked out over the past 30 days, though, as Sony has been true to its word and delivered the first-person action game as one of the Instant Game Collection offerings for April.


Aaru’s Awakening

Also making the PS3 list for April (and also playable on the PS4) is Aaru’s Awakening. As explained on the PlayStation Blog, this game actually began life as a student project in Iceland, evolving into the artistic platformer we have today. Aaru’s Awakening mixes old-school platforming with some creative teleportation mechanics, making for a nice counterbalance to the stabbing and shooting of Dishonored.



Tower of Guns

Over to the PlayStation 4 Plus offerings and, yet again, we’ve got a game that can also be played on a second console, Tower of Guns. Whether you’re gaming on the PS4 or PS3, Tower of Guns will scratch that nostalgia itch, combining classic first-person shooting mechanics with a sort of slo-mo bullet hell world you need to blast your way through. The randomly spawning enemies and bosses make for some decent replay value, too.


NeverAloneNever Alone

The second PS4 game for the April Plus lineup is a title that’s been getting a lot of positive buzz for its unique story that actually aims to educate. Never Alone is super easy on the eyes, featuring a young girl named Nuna and her adorable fox. You’re on a quest to save her Alaskan village and, in the process, learn the actual history of its people.

PS Vita:

Similar to its home console siblings, the Vita Plus games for April are as different as night and day.


Killzone Mercenary

First up is Killzone Mercenary, the only portable first-person shooter to absolutely nail the feel of a console offering in the palm of your hands. I really enjoyed Mercenary when it first arrived on the Vita and its multiplayer modes are top-notch, so I’m looking forward to diving back in once all of these new recruits join the fray.


Finally, Plus subscribers can get their hands on MonsterBag for the Vita in April, a colorful puzzle game that puts you in control of an adorable monster who is trying to reach his friend without terrifying innocent humans in the process.


This month I have to say Microsoft has trumped Sony in the free game department. Offerings on the last gen console are definitely better on the Xbox 360 this month. Having said that not a lot of PS3 owners will be dissapointed with these games. What do you think. Let us know in the comments.

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