Discord freshly announce an amendment to their policies towards developers, by increasing the revenue share for game developers to 90% of the selling price. Discord notes that the remaining 10% is required to cover their operating costs so that they stay afloat in the competition for online games distribution. The Discord blog also asks “Why does it cost 30% to distribute games?” in what seems to be a direct jab at Steam.
Discord has entered the game distribution as early as October this year. With the recent thrust made by Epic Games to promote their store through an increased cut for developers as well as games exclusively releasing on the Epic store. With 200 million players using the VOIP service, Discord enjoys a lot of visibility, and with its increased developer cut, and more streamlined interface, can be a competitor for Steam, who has attracted the ire of many developers with their new discriminatory revenue policy.
The Game of Stores is only beginning. Whom are you supporting?